Use this page to browse and select the actions to be implemented in your climate strategy.
It is by selecting actions that you will be able to reach the reduction target defined in the previous section.
1. How the page works
At the top, the cards summarize the selection: the number of actions selected and the total reduction enabled by this selection.
All actions
Selected : only the actions selected in this scenario
Excluded : actions excluded by the company
Filter by catégorie (travels, food and drinks, etc.)
Why exclude an action?
This feature has been designed for actions that you don't want to appear in your library, for example :
you've already reached the maximum number of teleworking days: you can exclude teleworking-related actions so that they don't take up space in your library
certain actions are beyond your control: these can also be excluded, so that you can concentrate on those you can actually implement
Create a custom action
This will be added to your action list, but will not be quantified automatically. You can request this from your Climate Expert.
The table
It summarizes for each action :
Its main associated category
Its potential reduction, which depends on :
actions affecting the same category
ex: if an action “insulate the building” is selected, then actions on heating-related energy consumption will have a lower potential reductionthe tracking metric selected: this metric defines the % of implementation of an action.
About tracking metrics:
These metrics have been designed not to represent a situation, but rather a progression: for example, you won't see “share of electric cars on the road”, but rather “share of internal combustion cars replaced by electric cars”.
They are different for each action, so read their descriptions carefully!
2. How to choose actions
First criteria: impact
Actions are automatically quantified according to your emissions. Thanks to this indication, you can select the most ambitious emission reductions!
Keep in mind that once you've selected an action, you'll need to implement it! We advise you to concentrate on actions that are really applicable to your business within the timeframe defined by your objective.