To monitor the environmental impact of your company and achieve sustainability goals, it is essential to have an overview of your emissions.
By going to My Emissions> Carbon Footprint, you will have access to 5 analysis tables.
⚙️ Dashboards' features
You have several options to interact with your dashboards.
Detailed figures when hovering your mouse.
Filtering the diagrams.
Export the data.
🔢 Detailed figures
By hovering some elements of a diagram, you can access detailed figures.
For example, this can be the numerical value of a part of a diagram.
Don't hesitate to move your mouse everywhere over the dashboards.
🎚️ Filtering
Filters allow you to zoom in on a portion of the dataset, and cross some data between different diagrams.
You can use interactive filters at your disposal to filter out some part of the data.
For example: use the year selector to choose the year for which you want to assess the results.You can also click on some part of a diagram to filter the corresponding data.
For some dashboards, this may allow you to filter other diagrams to cross the data visualization between several diagrams.
Don't hesitate to click on some elements of your dashboard to test its interactivity.
📥 Export
Finally, the dashboards give you the option to download the data corresponding to the displayed graphs.