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Emission Factor Sources

External emission factor databases

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Written by Support @Greenly
Updated over 7 months ago

When computing a company's GHG inventory, it is crucial to use the most relevant emission factors. These emission factors must be up-to-date and follow certain standards.

Regulatory guidelines

  • The most recent version of a database should be used

  • All greenhouse gases covered by the Kyoto Protocol should be included (CO2, CH4, N2O, SF6, NF3, HFCs et PFCs)

  • Global warming potentials (GWP) for a 100-year time horizon must be used

  • Global warming potentials are the one provided by the IPCC, the most recent ones when available (i.e. IPCC 2021 AR6).

Updating database

When an external emission factor database is added to the Greenly database, we must guarantee the quality and relevance of the database.

  • Updating already imported databases

For databases that have already been added once, whenever a new version is released all emission factors must be updated as soon as possible. This generally happens once a year.

To be notified when a new version is released, we are subscribed to mailing lists and regularly check LinkedIn post and visit the websites of these databases.

  • Adding new databases

For new databases, some checks need to be done before adding it to the Greenly database:

  • Duplicate check: Do the emission factors included in the database complement the ones that have already been imported. If most are duplicates or very similar to existing ones, these won't be added (reasons for importing a new database: new datasets, better granularity, new geography, etc.)

  • Reliability check: Is it a renowned and trustworthy database? Are the methodology and assumptions well-documented and transparent?

  • Consistency check: for emission factors similar to those in other databases, is the ratio of the same order of magnitude and is the difference justifiable?

  • Regulatory check: Are all Kyoto gases included? Are GWP100 values used? Are the values those of AR6 (or AR4 or AR5)?

Already included databases

All these emission factors include all Kyoto gases and ratios in kgCO2e are computed using GWP 100. GWP are those of IPCC 2021 AR6. However, when databases do not provide this, we also accept AR5 (IPCC 2014) and AR4 (IPCC 2007).

Some of these databases also provided the breakdown of emissions per GHG and biogenic emissions. When available, theses are used for the regulatory export of the GHG inventory.

Some databases also provide uncertainties. This value is not directly used to compute the uncertainty of a GHG inventory, but is factored in when a Greenly uncertainty is computed.

🧠 Version, links, GWP, GHG breakdown and uncertainties

💡 Generic database

    • Base Carbone® v23.2

    • Base IMPACTS® v3.0

    • GWP 100 IPCC AR6

    • GHG breakdown and uncertainties provided

    • v2024

    • GWP 100 IPCC AR5

    • GHG breakdown provided, uncertainties not provided

    • v2024

    • GWP 100 IPCC AR5

    • Upstream emissions are not included (e.g. energy, transport, etc.)

    • GHG breakdown provided, uncertainties not provided

  • Public authority

    • Other countries (outside France, UK, US) also provide EF. These are used when specifically requested for

    • GWP 100 IPCC

🔌 Electricity

    • v2023

    • GWP 100 IPCC AR4

    • GHG breakdown provided, uncertainties not provided

    • v2023

    • GWP 100 IPCC AR5

    • GHG breakdown and uncertainties not provided

    • v2022

    • GWP 100 IPCC AR4

    • GHG breakdown provided, uncertainties not provided

❗ Other specific databases

  • Agribalyse (Food)

    • v3.1.1

    • GWP 100 IPCC AR6

    • GHG breakdown and uncertainties not provided

  • Ecoinvent (Products and processes)

    • v3.10

    • Impact assessment method: IPCC 2021 AR6 GWP100

    • GHG breakdown provided, uncertainties not provided

    • v2023

    • GWP 100 IPCC AR5

    • GHG breakdown and uncertainties not provided

  • Inies (Construction)

    • Continuously updated

    • LCA: FDES or PEP (5 year validity period)

    • GHG breakdown and uncertainties not provided

  • Carbon minds (Chemical)

    • Version 2.00,

    • GWP 100 IPCC AR6

    • LCA ISO 14067

    • GHG breakdown provided, uncertainties not provided

  • GLEC (Transport)

    • v3.0

    • GWP 100 IPCC AR6

    • GHG breakdown and uncertainties not provided

  • HBEFA (Transport)

    • v4.2

    • GWP 100 IPCC AR5

    • GHG breakdown provided, uncertainties not provided

🔨 LCAs

Version and AR depend on the LCA

🔧 Greenly EF

  • Exiobase (input-output tables)

    • GWP 100 IPCC AR4

    • GHG breakdown and uncertainties not provided

  • The most up-to-date version of the database is systematically used

    • Greenly monetary EF

    • Greenly experts

    • Greenly product LCA

  • Company reports

    • Depends on the company

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