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Greenly’s Computations

How are GHG assessments implemented and computed via Greenly’s SaaS

How are GHG emissions linked to an expense computed?Greenly calculation methodology
How are GHG emissions linked to activity-based data computed?Greenly calculation methodology
How does Greenly compute the total GHG emissions of my company?Greenly's calculation methodology
A two-step calculation methodGreenly's calculation methodology
Emissions by Category and by ScopeInterpretation of the "Emissions By Category" and "Emissions By Scope" dashboards
Does the sum of the carbon footprint of all the products sold by a company equal to its total GHG emissions?What is included in a company's total GHG emissions?
How is my Greenly Score computed and medals attributed?Everything you need to know about the Greenly score and medals
Greenly Score - Point DistributionDetailed breakdown of the Greenly Score
Freight: How are road freight emissions computed?Emission factor (and its unit) used to compute road freight related emissions
How is the carbon footprint of Cloud Computing computed?Computing the carbon footprint of cloud computing & data centers helps tech companies reduce their largest source of emissions
Uncertainty SourcesGHG Inventory Uncertainty
How are uncertainties computed?GHG Inventory Uncertainty
Why can the carbon intensity of an electric mix differ depending on the source?Methodologies for computing emission factors of an electric mix
Emission Factor SourcesExternal emission factor databases
🚗 Vehicle Fleet analysis - Concept and methodologyMethodology and emission factors used in the vehicle fleet module.
Supplier Emission FactorsHow is a SEF computed?
Uncertainty Scoring SystemWhat does my uncertainty score mean?