How to get Pomodoro
Pomodoro is a type of Timer. Therefore, it is only available for habits with goals in unit "minute" or "hour".
When your habit appears on the Journal view, you can get a Timer button next to it. It is the place where you can start using the Pomodoro.
How to use Pomodoro
In Habitify, you can use the Pomodoro Timer following these steps:
Tap on the smart button Timer next to the habit in the Journal tab.
Switch to the tab Pomodoro.
Set the duration of each work interval, known as "Session Length."
Choose the number of intervals for full progress, known as the "Number of Sessions."
Define the length of short breaks and long breaks.
Decide how many work intervals to complete before taking a long break, known as "Break Interval."
During the Pomodoro Timer session, you can pause and resume anytime or stop midway and save the progress you've achieved.
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