Risk Register: Assigning review dates
Chrissie Smith avatar
Written by Chrissie Smith
Updated over a week ago

With the ability to assign risk assessments to specific team members with a review date, Risk Register makes it easy to stay on top of updating your Content Library.

This enables you to seamlessly monitor the quality of the risk assessments in your Content Library, with ISO standards in mind.

The process of assigning review dates is simple - just follow our guide below:

1) Select the risk assessment

  • You may wish to add a review date to a risk assessment that has not been given one yet, or you may wish to change the review date of a risk assessment that you have just edited 

  • With both - you need to navigate to that risk assessment's edit page

  • If you start on the Risk Register Page:  

  • Expand the Category the risk assessment is in - click on the ^ next to the Category title

  • Click on the risk assessment (not the tick box but on the risk assessment's title)

  • On the Risk Assessment Page - click on the blue 'edit risk assessment'.

  • This will bring you to the Risk Assessment Editing Page shown below:

2) Add the review information

The banner at the bottom of the page can be filled in with all the relevant information for assigning a risk assessment to be reviewed.

The text box on the far left sets the date for the next review 

  • Clicking on the box will bring up a calendar from which you can select a date 

  • Alternatively, you can click on '2 years from now' and the box will be auto-filled with the date 2yrs in the future. 

The middle text box allows you to allocate the person to review the risk assessment.

  • They will be notified by email when that risk assessment is coming up for review. 

  • The drop-down list of people will only show those in your company who have access to the Risk Register and your account. 

  • You can allocate a review to yourself

The long text box to the left allows you to record comments as to why you are making changes to a risk assessment's content or review options. 

  • For instance, if you are allocating review dates for the first time, you may want to record as such in this section

  • These comments will be recorded in the risk assessment's 'History'

  • You will be able to see all the comments about a risk assessment, along with downloads of the specific version of the document those comments are related to, on the 'History' tab of the Risk Assessment Page.

  • For more information on accessing the history of a risk assessment please see our guide

3) Save your changes

Click on 'Save Changes' to confirm the review information and save it onto the Risk Register.

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