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Integrate Procore with HandsHQ!

Create high quality RAMS, integrated with Procore, and gain a deeper visibility into the different aspects of your projects.

Michelle Kimbler avatar
Written by Michelle Kimbler
Updated over a week ago

The HandsHQ Procore integration lets you access your HandsHQ projects directly from Procore.


  • The integration is available for RAMS Enterprise customers who have the approvals feature enabled.

  • The account is considered as 'integrated' when the first admin user integrates their HandsHQ account with their Procore user account. Until this has happened, non-admin users won't be able to integrate.

  • Each user that wants to make use of the integration needs to have an active HandsHQ user account and an active Procore user account.

  • Once linked, projects will be synced every time a project is approved in HandsHQ

If you are interested in using the integration, please contact us to help you set it up.

🚨 Note: enable pop-up windows in your browser before you start.

In this article:

Getting started: Company-level integration

An account owner or admin needs to set the initial company-level integration in order to get started.

You can set up the company-level integration in two ways:

  • from the HandsHQ app, or;

  • from Procore.

Note: the Procore feature needs to be enabled by our Support team before your start this process

Company-level: Setting up the integration from HandsHQ

Go to Settings

⇒ API & Integrations

⇒ Procore

⇒ Click on "Integrate with Procore"

⇒ Enter your Procore log in details

⇒ Click "Log in to install"

⇒ Install app

⇒ Click “View”
⇒ Configurations
⇒ Create configuration
⇒ Select specific projects or tick the boxes for “Global projects config” and “Company level config”, name it “HandsHQ RAMS”
⇒ Create
⇒ Refresh the page

Go back to your HHQ account

⇒ Select a project you want to link to Procore

⇒ Choose a folder in Procore

⇒ Save

⇒ Request approval (once someone approves, your project will be synced and placed in the Procore folder you selected).

Company-level: Setting up from Procore

⇒ Click "Log in to install"

⇒ Log in to your Procore account

⇒ Install app

⇒ Click “View”
⇒ Configurations
⇒ Create configuration
⇒ Select specific projects or tick the boxes for “Global projects config” and “Company level config”, name it “HandsHQ RAMS”
⇒ Create
⇒ Refresh the page

In the upper right corner of your Procore account go to apps

⇒ Choose HHQ

⇒ Enter your HHQ log in details

⇒ Integration is successful

Go to your HHQ projects

⇒ Select a project you want to link to Procore

⇒ Choose a folder in Procore

⇒ Save

⇒ Request approval (once someone approves, your project will be synced and placed in the Procore folder you selected).

User-level connection

Once an admin has established the company-level integration, each user needs to individually set up a user-level integration. This is so that the software can check which folders and divisions the user has access to.

The "API & Integrations" page will only be visible to account owners and account admins until the company-level integration has been set up. After this has been done, this page will become visible to all other users so that they can set up a user-based connection.

To set up the user-level integration, navigate to Settings:

⇒ API & Integrations

⇒ Connect my account

⇒ Integrate

How to sync your projects

When creating a project in HandsHQ, users will be able to select a folder in Procore they want this project to be linked. Once the integration is set up for that user, they can select the folder within the "Project details" page, when creating or editing a project.

In project details:

⇒ Select the folder to which you want to save your HandsHQ project

  • The dropdown menu only shows the folders you have access to on Procore

  • The "Continue with Procore" option will link your Procore and HHQ accounts and next time you'll be able to sign in to HHQ with your Procore credentials

Once you have saved your project:

⇒ Click "Submit for approval'

⇒ Once approved, the project will be uploaded to the selected Procore folder

  • Every time it is approved, the new version of the document will be uploaded to the selected folder on Procore.

Other considerations

  • If the folder selection on the HandsHQ project has changed and there is no existing file for this project in that folder, it would create a new file initially, and then would create a version with subsequent syncs.

  • The project synced to Procore will be synced on behalf of whoever last edited the connection to the destination folder and will look like this:

  • If that user 'unlinks' their Procore account, or if their user account is deleted, the link between the project and Procore would be removed until someone else goes in and sets it back up.

  • If your account has multiple divisions, the integration is automatically set up for all divisions that have the approvals feature enabled.

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