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✨ NEW ✨ Locating the nearest A&E

Seamlessly include the nearest accident and emergency department based on the project postcode. Uses NHS data and Google Maps for directions

Michelle Kimbler avatar
Written by Michelle Kimbler
Updated over 5 months ago

Overview of the A&E locator functionality

Locate the nearest accident and emergency (A&E) department and include a map and QR code with directions - all without leaving HandsHQ!

Based on project location:

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 NHS database: for English postcodes

🌎 Manual search via Google Maps: for worldwide locations

📍Map with QR code directions

Automatically adds a map to your project PDF. Includes a scannable QR code with directions to the hospital on Google Maps.

⚙️ Enable/disable the feature in settings

Admins can turn the feature on or off in the Project settings (per division).

Who can use this feature?

🏘 Will shortly be available for active RAMS Teams or Enterprise customers

👷‍♂️ All users with project editor access can add the nearest hospital to their documents

🧑‍💼🧑‍💼 Account and division admins can control the feature in Settings

💡 Important 💡

This feature uses the NHS database, which only covers locations within England. If your site is outside of England, you can still find a hospital by typing the hospital's name, address, or postcode. In this case, the results will come from Google Maps.

Adding the nearest hospital A&E to your project

How you add the nearest A&E depends on whether your job is located in England or elsewhere.

To find and add the nearest accident and emergency department to your project:

  • Add a postcode in Project details under the Location section

  • Find nearest A&E - if the job location is in England:

    • Click “Find nearest A&E”

    • Select the hospital you want to use - the three nearest A&E departments will be displayed

    • This uses the NHS database. If you receive an error, you can try using the manual

  • Search for address - manual search if outside of England:

    • Click “Search for address”

    • Type in the hospital’s name, address, or postcode

    • Select the hospital from the dropdown menu

    • These results will come from Google Maps instead of the NHS database.

Once you've selected the hospital, a map will appear. You can choose to include or exclude the map.

Remove or change the hospital

Click the top-right X to remove your selection or choose one.

How the nearest hospital appears on your RAMS

This is how the nearest A&E section will appear on your final RAMS.

The QR code is generated automatically and once scanned, will show a route to the A&E using Google Maps.

If you download the project PDF, clicking "Open in Google Maps" will also provide directions to the hospital.

The directions are based on your current location to the selected hospital.

Custom templates and CPPs

Please note that the map might appear in a different section of the document if you use a custom template. This includes CPP documents. Some custom templates might not allow for the map to be added.

If you have any questions about how the map appears on your custom documents, please contact your customer success manager.

How to add Nearest A&E to an old RAMS document?

In the early stages of rolling out the feature to HandsHQ customers, adding the nearest A&E might not work for all existing documents. Please contact support if you're having trouble adding it to an old document.

How to enable or disable the nearest A&E locator

The feature will automatically enabled on your account if you're on a qualifying plan. You must be an account or division admin to disable the feature:

To turn the Nearest A&E feature on or off:

  • Go to SettingsRAMS/Projects ⇒ Check or uncheck the options under “Nearest A&E.”

    • Disable the feature fully: untick "Include nearest A&E field in project settings"

    • Disable using the NHS database: untick "Look up nearest A&E using the NHS API (note: this option is only valid within England)". Recommended is all jobs are located outside England.

  • Scroll down ⇒ Save

All admins and owners in your account have the permission to do this. The setting is division-specific, so can be turned on for some divisions but remain off for others.

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