Risk Assessments and Method Statements: how they work in HandsHQ

Creating a RAMS Project
Navigating the Project Contents Page
Edit Project Details
Edit risk assessmentsRead the full risk assessment and make it site specific
Editing the Sequence of OperationsMake project specific changes to a sequence of tasks / work and add images
Editing the Method StatementDelete or change the text boxes in the Method statement and ad images and files
Upload an image to the method statement
Uploading a PDF to your projectAttach documents, appendices and other information to your RAMS
Add a signature page
✨ NEW ✨ Locating the nearest A&ESeamlessly include the nearest accident and emergency department based on the project postcode. Uses NHS data and Google Maps for directions
How to find/search/filter projects
Activity history: automated project audit trail and revision historyCheck who has created, edited, signed, approved and emailed your project with our automated audit trail, and download previous PDF versions.
Delete or archive a project
Sharing your RAMS project
Duplicate a projectMake a copy of your RAMS - great if you do similar work on different sites!
Why can’t I edit someone's details in supervision and personnel?
Why can't I move Sub-tasks in a sequence of operations into a different Task?
Why won't it let me duplicate a Project?
How to switch divisions
How many times can I edit my project?
How do I share my project?
Why can’t I add a general description of activity?
What does the 'Live' column mean on my Project Dashboard?