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Edit Project Details
Chrissie Smith avatar
Written by Chrissie Smith
Updated over a week ago

Project creation process

  • Project details page

  • Risk assessment

  • Sequence of operations

  • Method statement

Project details

When you are starting a new project, the only compulsory box to fill out is ‘Project name’ - this means that if you don’t know the rest of the information it does not matter as you can go back and edit/change the information here at a later date.

Document Settings

Lastly on this page we have the document settings. By checking the signature page box, this will insert a sheet after the method statement section in order to allow people to hand sign the document.

The number document sections allows for automatic numbering throughout the document. This bottom section here to included MSDS documents - this is only for customers on our Advanced package as they have access to COSHH.

You can therefore include the MSDS documents at the end of the project, however please bear in mind this can make the document quite lengthy.

Once you are finished on this page, ensure to click next or save and exit on the bottom right hand side of the page

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