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Creating a RAMS Project
Chrissie Smith avatar
Written by Chrissie Smith
Updated over a week ago

Before you begin, it is a good idea to configure your account by adding a logo and company details.

Once you have done this you are ready to start! You can begin by simply clicking ‘New project’ on the top right-hand side. This will take you straight to the Project Details page.

Project Details

When you are starting a new project, the only compulsory box to fill out is ‘Project name’ - this means that if you don’t know the rest of the information it does not matter as you can go back and edit/change the information here at a later date.

You can view more information on how to make changes to the project details, such as adding supervision & personnel and adding a signature page here.

Once you are finished on this page, ensure to click next or save and exit on the bottom right-hand side of the page

Risk Assessment

On the Risk Assessment page, you can select your categories and associated activities.

Simply tick the box next to the category you will be carrying out, and you will then see a drop-down menu of activities.

You can edit the activities at any point, and you can see how to do this here

Once you have made your selection and edits click next or save and exit and the bottom right-hand side of the page.

Please note that if you remove categories at a later date this will reset your sequence of operations and method statement sections.

Sequence of Operations 

If there are tasks associated with your activities, they will appear here and you will be able to edit, add and remove any of the tasks.

Under each category, select the tasks that you require.

You can then edit and add to any of the tasks and sub-tasks

You can also re-order the tasks if needed using the dots on the left-hand side of the task

More information on how to edit the sequence of operations can be seen here

Once you have completed this section, simply click next or save & exit on the bottom right-hand side to continue on to the method statement section

Method Statement

Here you can add in any other information relevant to the project you are carrying out.

You can add an image to all the sections of the method statement, for example, a map of where the nearest hospital is in case of an emergency. When you upload a picture, it will automatically rescale to fit if it is bigger than A4.

For more information on adding images, please see our guide. 

Depending on the Categories you have selected, the relevant legislation and codes of practice will appear.

If there is anything here which is not relevant to your specific project, or if there is anything you need to add you can edit the text.

It is important to note that if you do not want any of the sections to appear on the document, simply leave the boxes blank and they will not appear.

You can see more on how to edit the sections of the method statement here

Once you are happy with the section, click ‘Next’ or ‘Save and Exit’ on the bottom right-hand side of the page.

That’s it! You have now taken the first steps in creating your first project. 

You will now be brought back to the Projects Contents Page where you can:

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