Protecting your valuable crypto tokens and NFTs from theft is paramount, and Harpie's Advanced Security is designed to do just that. This step-by-step guide will take you through the process of setting up this essential feature.
To understand what kinds of tokens to use with Advanced Security, to see if the feature makes sense for your type of crypto usage, and for more information and suggestions, read Is Harpie Advanced Security right for me?
Upon entering the Advanced Security setup, you'll be warned that thieves can still steal your most valuable tokens. This is a prompt to set up Advanced Security.
Step 1: Connect a Wallet
To start, ensure your wallet is connected.
Step 2: Build Your Trusted Network
This is where you'll build your trusted network, which allows your wallet to interact only with trusted addresses and apps, restricting access from scammers and unknown addresses.
This network acts as a whitelist, blocking all non-approved interactions, thereby reducing the risk of unauthorized transactions. You can later add friends to this network through the Dashboard.
Adding Trusted Apps
Construct your trusted network by specifying which apps and addresses are permitted to interact with your wallet using our presets. You can select entire categories or individual apps.
Step 3: Review Your Account
After setting up your network, you'll review your account. It's crucial to ensure all the information is correct, as this will tie to your wallet for asset protection. Harpie allows for multiple accounts, and you can always modify your Trusted Network from your dashboard.
Step 4: Signature Request
Here, you'll encounter a signature request to authorize Harpie for action. Only sign if you understand the content and trust Harpie. This grants permission to Harpie to protect your assets.
Step 5: Completion
Congratulations, your Advanced Security setup is now complete! You'll be directed to go to your Dashboard to start protecting your tokens.
Additional Tips
Always double-check any addresses or apps you add to your trusted network.
Be cautious with signature requests; ensure you trust the platform entirely before signing.
If you encounter any issues or uncertainties, contact Harpie's support team for assistance.
By following this guide, your assets will now have an additional layer of security against unauthorized transactions and theft. Stay vigilant and manage your trusted network regularly to ensure maximum protection.