When does Autopay process?
Autopay process at Midnight PST on the due date of the invoice.
For example, if the invoice has a Due Date of April 1st, the auto pay will run at midnight PST of the 1st.
The only exception to that rule is that if you send a due upon receipt invoice. When you send an invoice to the customer, the AutoPay processing time has already passed. This means that any Due Upon Receipt invoices with AutoPay enabled will process the following day.
What happens if Autopay declines?
The payment will retry daily until the payment successfully processes or you have marked the invoice as paid.
How do I create an account credit?
Please review the steps in this video https://intercom.help/hauler-hero/en/articles/6997548-creating-account-credits
How do I enter batch payments?
Please review the steps in this video https://intercom.help/hauler-hero/en/articles/7061849-batch-payments
What processor integrates with Hauler Hero?
Hauler Hero is partnered with Clover Connect for payment processing. This is typically set up during the Implementation process. You are not required to use our processing option, however at this time we do not offer an integration with another processor.
Should you use an outside processor, we recommend marking the invoice as paid by "Other" and using the note section of the payment to indicate where the payment was processed from.
How can I locate Declined Payments?
Please review the steps here: https://intercom.help/hauler-hero/en/articles/7169997-declined-payment
Can I save a payment to a customers profile?
Absolutely. Please review the steps here: https://intercom.help/hauler-hero/en/articles/7016779-saving-payment-method-while-processing-a-payment
Payment Receipts:
Customers are not automatically sent a receipt after payment is entered. You can manually send the customer a receipt from either the payment history within the customer profile or the payment tab within Billing. Select the 3 dots and select the Email option or Download if you want a copy of the receipt.