Teams are a way of organising the patient records you and your colleagues have access to. Learn more below:
When searching for a patient, one of the filters you have the option to use is 'Team'. This is because when a patient is added to the platform, you must assign them to a team. Only the members of that team will then be able to access the patient's record.
How do I invite a colleague to my team?
These are the steps you need to follow to invite a colleague to become part of a team:
My teams > [select a team] > Add user
How do I add a patient to a team?
To add a patient to a team, simply follow these steps:
My teams > [select a team] > Patients > Add patient
We will search for the patient using their date of birth and NHS number to see if they are already on Isla. If not, you can manually add the patient's details by selecting the pencil icon in the bottom left.
What are Templates and how do I create a new one for a team?
You are able to add and save a range templates for your team to use. Folder templates allow you to tailor the submission settings, request settings and schedule settings for your template. Additionally you have the ability to create schedule templates and response templates.
How do I get there?
My teams > select a team > Folder templates > Add template for folders
Once created, you can click on the template to adjust the settings mentioned above.
What are Response templates?
Response templates are messages which can be saved and selected to avoid having to manually type out a message for each patient.
How do I get there?
My teams > select a team > Responses > Add response
Personal Teams
All users will automatically have a personal team created for them. This is where individual patients that have been specifically shared with you will appear. You cannot invite colleagues to your personal team.
How do I get there?
My teams > [name]'s Personal Team
Other useful information:
Follow the links to other helpful articles below.