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06/11/2022 Release Notes

Invoice Approval Workflow, Bid Package & Drawings Enhancements, New Specifications Update

JD Williams avatar
Written by JD Williams
Updated over a week ago


Welcome to Keep Being INGENIOUS, the fabulous newsletter about the shiniest new features and enhancements to our dynamic and constantly improving platform. We've been hard at work over the last few weeks to make every click and tap worth your while. Read on to see what we've been up to... You might want to grab a drink beforehand; this is going to be a long one 😎

We’ve got improvements on improvements for Bid Packages! As a Bid Package Manager, boy, do you have options…

  • When you receive a proposed Quoted Item and associated cost from your bidder, you can now re-distribute these funds into an existing Quoted Item, giving you complete control over how the Quoted Items are defined.

  • When you request a revision on a Quoted Item from your bidder, and then a few moments later, you decide you need another revision on another Quoted Item, you won’t have to wait any longer for your bidder to re-submit. Instead, you can just toggle that checkbox, and send it back for all the revisions your heart desires.

a handprint on my heart
  • Share the love — and the responsibility! You can now have multiple Bid Package Managers specified. They will all get the same notifications, so you don't have to shoulder the excitement all on your own 😉

  • Bidders are now locked out from submitting a Proposal after the due date has passed.

  • Once the RFP due date passes, bidders are now completely locked out from the RFP information, protecting any sensitive Project information from anyone who does not intend to bid.

Approval Workflows are back for an encore, this time for Invoices!

Similar to the Approval Workflows for Budget, Budget Changes, and Change Orders, you can now submit Invoices for approval to your boss, without having to call them over to physically look at your screen. They’ll just get an in-app notification, which they can click on to take them directly to what they need to review!

You can now post RFIs on your Drawings!

When creating an RFI, you can select a Drawing sheet and place a pin where it is most relevant to your RFI. The best part about this is that from the Drawing sheets themselves, you can open up RFIs that are relevant to that sheet! You’re creating RFIs and posting them all within one step; how’s that for productivity 😎

Wait, one more thing! You can also now post Punch List items on your Drawings!

As if you couldn’t already do so much with Drawings, you can now relate Punch List items directly to your Drawings. Similar to RFIs, when creating a Punch List item, you can select a sheet from your Drawing set and pin your Punch item directly onto the relevant location. You can also create Punch items from the Drawing sheet itself. On the Drawings page, you can now filter through different types of Pins!

And just a few more Drawing enhancements…

  • Uploading a Draft Drawing set that doesn’t quite have the final sheet titles and numbers yet? No problem, with our new enhancement you can now skip OCR Configuration and type these in yourself.

  • You can now delete sets that are ‘Processing’ in case you realize you missed something and need a quick do-over.

  • Reviewing the OCR results and realized that you selected the wrong region on your sheet? All good! You can now re-configure OCR for all sheets, so you don’t have to go through each title and number one by one.

  • If you are the Admin for your Workspace, you now have the ability to delete Drawing sets if needed.

The new Specifications Module is here!

And you’re going to want to see this… Upload a Specification Book, and have INGENIOUS do all of the work for you — our platform will automatically sort your upload by Divisions and Specification Sections. You can upload new sets, which will automatically replace old versions within the Specification Book.

You can now create Folders under the Project Photos Module!

Are you ready to organize, Marie Kondo style? Easily create folders under the Project Photos Module to organize your Project Photos in the best way that makes sense to you. Now, express gratitude to those Photos that spark ✨joy✨ for helping you keep track of your Project Progress, and store them away in those folders 🙂

Max Greenfield Reaction GIF by CBS

Many of these changes were based on your direct feedback as our valued customer. So don't be shy, drop us a "hey" 👋 and let us know what you think!

INGENIOUS.BUILD Customer Success Team

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