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Getting started with Multi Class
Updated over a year ago

Multi Class makes Inquisitive easier to organize for both single and multiple classroom teachers.

Your classes are accessible from the side navigation bar, where you can also create a new class or manage your existing classes.

For individual classroom teachers

Classroom teachers can create a new class at the start of each teaching year. New classes come with a brand new Planner and Class To Do. The classes from your previous teaching year can be moved into your archived classes where they will be saved for your records.

For teachers with multiple classrooms

Co-teachers, specialist subject teachers, librarians, casual teachers or anyone who teaches more than one class can create a separate program of Inquisitive lessons for each class they teach. Each class will contain its own unique Planner and Class to Do, so that it is easier to plan and keep track of lessons taught for each separate class.


On the side navigation bar use the class switcher to switch between classes. You can create and manage your classes, edit classes and archive old ones.

Creating a new class

Create a new class in seconds using the ‘Create a new class ’ button. Simply add your curriculum as well as the grades and subjects you’re teaching and you’re all set.

Managing your Classes

Click on ‘Manage Classes’ to see all the classes you have created. For any class, use the dropdown menu to Edit, Duplicate or Archive that class.

Edit a class

Clicking on ‘Edit’ allows you to change information for a class, including grade and curriculum taught.

Duplicate a Class

Clicking on ‘Duplicate’, copies every lesson and unit in this class’ Planner into a new class, which you can give a different name to.

Archived Classes

At the end of a teaching year, you can archive a class. Archived classes are stored for at least seven years so you will never lose a record of what you have taught.

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