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Working with our Support team to set up a group assessment

As a manager you can set up an assessment so that it can be submitted as a group assessment.

Christine Nicholls avatar
Written by Christine Nicholls
Updated over 4 years ago

This article covers our legacy activities and assessments. If you’re using tasks check out Introducing Tasks, however note group assessment is not currently available in Tasks.

How to:

  • Once you have decided that you want to use group assessment in your course email our support team to ask them to make the group assessment setting available.

  • Once activated you will see an additional check box when activating a course under any open response assessment settings.

  • Whilst activating the course offering (or editing the course offering) select the Assessment tab and select the open response assessment you want to make a group assessment.

  •  Check the Group assessments box to make it a group assessment.

  • Email support the following details and they will set up your groups for you.
    - number of groups
    - group names or numbers
    - names and email addresses of the people to be added into each group

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