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Overview of individual opening dates (learner relative dates)
Overview of individual opening dates (learner relative dates)

Set up your courses and classes so that learners have their own, personalised dates for courses, sections and assessed tasks.

Caitlin Foran avatar
Written by Caitlin Foran
Updated over 3 months ago

In one class, different learners can have their own, personalised dates for courses, sections and assessed tasks using individual opening dates. When you choose a start date for a learner, the rest of the dates for sections and assessed tasks are pulled through from the study plan an author set up for the course.

This means the dates for each learner can be relative to when they started the course, rather than the same dates for all.

In this article, you'll find out how to give learners their own individual opening date and why you might want to do this.

How do you set courses up with learner relative dates?

To give learners their own individual opening date:

  1. Open a class activation, and head to the Dates tab.

  2. Toggle relative dates to Yes.

    Screen shot of a opening a class activation with the Dates tab open and highlighting the Yes toggle under "Use relative dates?"

  3. Then head to the Access tab, and Add learner.

  4. Open the Individual learner opening date dropdown (image below).

    Screenshot of the modal that opens when you select "Add learner" highlighting the date and time picker when you expand the "Individual learner opening date" area.

  5. Choose the date you want the course to open for this learner.
    The rest of the dates for sections and assessed tasks are pulled through from the study plan.

Note: You cannot set individual opening dates via the bulk upload tool or by copying from an existing class.

How to change a learner's individual opening date

To change a learner's individual opening date, you'll need to remove the learner from the class activation and then re-add them with the updated date.

How to add learners with individual opening dates via the API

Individual opening dates can also be set via the API, where you can add multiple learners in the same request and specify each learner's start date.

What are learner relative dates?

To understand more about how these individual opening dates work, let’s look at an example.

Let's say an author has set up a course with this study plan below.

Image showing the Study plan of the course in CREATE with section opening on day 1 and closing on day 10 and day 28

Then, a manage user creates a class activation and adds two learners with individual opening dates.

  • Flloyd is added with his own relative dates to start on Feb 1st.

  • Hannah is added with her own relative dates to start two weeks later on Feb 15th.

Flloyd and Hannah’s start/opening and due/closing dates all flow through automatically from the study plan the author has set up.

Image showing the Start date of 2 learners, Flloyd starting on 1st Feb and Hannah on 15th Feb

Facilitators can see these learners' due dates for assessed tasks under Marking in the Class Console and can filter their Class Console for who is currently studying (today’s date is within the learner’s course dates) and/or who has an assessment due in 10 days (or overdue).

Any learners with overdue assessments have their assessment Status as Overdue in red.

Image showing the marking tab on Class console, with the Assessment showing overdue for Callum

Note: Facilitators are currently unable to see all of a learner’s section opening dates.

Why would I use learner relative dates?

Learner relative dates are perfect for “Start any time” or “frequent intake” courses so that learners can have dates that are relative to when they started the course (rather than everyone having to have the same due dates).

Start anytime enrolment

We use learner relative dates for our iQualify Skills courses where people can self-enrol whenever they want. In our courses, we set the study plan up so that the course is open for 365 days, but that the quiz is due on day 28 (four weeks after they started).

For us, this means we can have just one version of the course on our dash, that is open for the whole year, but learners still get due dates relevant to them. In fact, we use that quiz due date to send personalised and targeted emails to remind them to complete the quiz and earn their badge for the course.

Regular releases of content and assessments

Some partners use more of the study plan features to set open dates for sections, and due dates for more frequent assessments. For instance, so that learners can enrol anytime, but where new content is released at the start of every week and a short assessment is due at the end of every third week. This means facilitators can monitor and support all their learners from one Class Console page - seeing assessments that are upcoming and marking those that have been submitted.

Frequent intakes

Other partners use individual opening dates for “block” courses, where groups of learners are all enrolled at the start of the month and then the next cohort enrolled next month. Again, this means just one course on facilitators’ dashboards (rather than 12 each year) but each monthly intake still has due dates relative to the month they started.

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