Adding or splitting pages

As an author you can incrementally build your course adding pages on the fly and splitting them if needed.

Christine Nicholls avatar
Written by Christine Nicholls
Updated over a week ago

We care about making iQualify a great tool to create content. Sometimes you have a clear plan and want to create the structure first but other times you want to just add pages as you go.

If you need a refresher on how to get started creating content or how content is organised check out these articles first:
How to create your first course
How do I change the order of my content

How to add a page

When creating a course you can add a new page at any time. The Add page option is available from the side nav menu under Contents.

Alternatively, on the + menu you can also choose to Add page. This will add a new page after your existing page. 

You can edit your new page name by clicking on the pencil icon.

How to split a page

Choose where you want to split your content. Click on the + and select Split. 

The content below the + menu will be added to a new page directly after your current page. You can edit your new page name by clicking on the pencil icon.

In case you accidentally split your page, for 20 seconds you'll have the option to Undo page split.  

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