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The essay with rich text task
The essay with rich text task

Authors can create essay with rich text tasks that allow learners to type and style long form essays.

Christine Nicholls avatar
Written by Christine Nicholls
Updated over 3 weeks ago

This article covers the essay with rich task type.

For a general overview of tasks and what they can do, see An introduction to tasks and for general instructions on how to add them to your course, see How to add a task to your course.

Overview of the essay with rich text task

The essay with rich task type lets learners type into a textbox. Learners have the ability to add formatting to their response. This question type requires a facilitator or coach to mark it.

Example essay task which asks learners to explain which planet has the shortest year.

When should I use essay with rich text?

All of the written and recorded types are really useful for those learning outcomes with verbs that require learners to generate something - describe, explain, discuss, critique, synthesize and so on.

Let's take a look at a few examples.

Example 1: Explaining in their own words

In this example we're focusing on a learner's understanding of the meaning of a term.

Example essay task which asks learners to explain the meaning of "precise" (after having read a paragraph which uses the word "precise" five times).

Example 2: Explaining similarities

In the example below we're still talking about the meaning of words, but instead we're asking learners to explain what the similarities are.

Example essay task which asks learners to explain what managers and management have in common (after being given four definitions).

Example 3: Comparing and contrasting

And finally, in this example, we ask learners to explain something through comparing and contrasting. This is a bit closer to a "traditional" essay.

Example essay task which asks learners to explain (and compare and contrast) democratic and autocratic leadership.

So, as you see, you can create an essay with rich text on a number of different levels. And, just because it's called "essay" doesn't mean you have to get learners to write an essay. Essay with rich text can be used for any response that requires more than a handful of words or a sentence. The rich text feature (ability to format text) means it can also be used for longer-form essays as well (up to a massive 10,000 words).

How do I create an essay with rich text task?

All tasks load with an example task to give an idea of what each field is for. To add your own task details, you can type over the existing content in the fields or select Clear task content, to start completely fresh.

Clear task content button on right of task element below task type choice.

Standard fields

This task has the standard fields/options that all tasks have.

At the top:

  • Question - Where you set the main question/task which tells learners what to answer or do.

And at the bottom:

  • Hint - Add a hint to give pointers or clues to give learners extra guidance to complete the task. Learners can choose to See hint so it allows them to get this help “on demand”.

  • Feedback - Add feedback to give learners an automated response when they submit the task. See Writing feedback for tasks for pointers and ideas.

Other options

You can also specify additional options:

  • Word limit (value) sets the maximum word count for the essay - this can be between 1 and 10,000.

  • Word limit (drop down) set whether the word limit is Always visible, On limit (only visible to the learner when they have reached the limit) or Off (totally hidden from the learner).

  • Show word count makes the learner's word count visible to them.

  • Allow submissions over limit accepts learners sumbissions that are over the word limit you've set (otherwise learners are prompted to revise their response).

How to allocate a marking template

As this task is manually marked, be sure to choose a marking template to set the options facilitators have available to mark and/or add feedback.

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