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Ideas for blended learning - 2 - Metacognition or next steps tasks
Ideas for blended learning - 2 - Metacognition or next steps tasks

Different ideas for adding metacognition and/or next steps tasks for a flipped or blended learning model.

Caitlin Foran avatar
Written by Caitlin Foran
Updated over 6 months ago

In blended learning, you could use the online course to cement face-to-face learning and like the two together by asking learners to capture reflections or plans in the online course.


This first example adds to the tasks for lesson prep (or in class or homework) given in Ideas for blended learning - 1 - Schedule of tasks or lesson prep. Here we go further to include some reflection on how they're learning.

Image showing example of essay type task

A slightly shorter example that prompts learners to think about utility and connections but also doubles as a short summary o the lesson (in their own words) for learners to refer back to at any time. Facilitators could also quickly review answers to see who is on the right track and who might need intervention.

Image showing example of essay type task

If you find that learners won't have a lot of time to write a reflection, you could try a short selection or highlighting task like the one below. This should prompt reflection, but may be perceived as less onerous because they don't need to write it down.

Image showing example of essay type task


  • Learners reflect on which strategies aren't serving them and can move on to more useful strategies.

  • It helps learners to take on more responsibility for their learning.

  • Helping learners to think about thinking (and learn about learning) is especially beneficial for more complex tasks or as learners are preparing for revision and/or assessment.


  • You can make this task a bit more social by doing a think-pair-share activity first, and then asking learners to record a brief reflection in a task.

  • Use a Pulse (live or timed poll) as an entry or exit ticket to show which strategies are used across the group.

  • Ask learners to interview others to find out about their strategies.

  • Ask learners to record the day's learning as an audio, then ask them to play that audio to another person. You could ask the if the audio made sense to the other person and what if anything they should/could change or add. This could work even sharing the summary with someone not in the class group - e.g. a family member or colleague. If the other person is a fellow learner in that class, they could compare and contrast each others' summaries.

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