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Overview of Pulses

Learn how to improve course engagement with pulses

Christine Nicholls avatar
Written by Christine Nicholls
Updated over a week ago

Pulses are like realtime polls - taking the pulse of your class.

Facillitators create a pulse and send it out to their learners. Pulses are a great way of checking in with your learners to see where they're at.
Wanting to run pulse - check out our Create a pulse article for step by step instructions.

Tip: If you can't see this icon in the top right corner of your account it means you don't have pulses switched on in your iQualify environment. Your account owner can turn these on in the iQualify settings area of iQualify.

When a facilitator sends out a pulse, learners see a pulsing green circle next to their avatar.

Learners see the question. Pop in their answer, then get directed to where they can see the results.


Learners and facilitators can see anonymised class members' pulse responses at any time by going to the Overview for that course, then heading down to Pulses. You can choose to view a particular pulse by choosing from the dropdown by Viewing (see 3rd image above where it says "Viewing: What's next").

Let's take a look at a few examples of the types of pulses.

Multiple choice


See more at Pulse type: Spatial.

Text response

Getting notified about pulses

If you're logged in, you'll see the pulsating pulse icon beside your avatar.

If you're not logged in, you and your learners can get either an email or SMS (text) notification depending on what you've allowed for your Contact preferences in your account settings.

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