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How to add goals and custom tags to a course as an author
How to add goals and custom tags to a course as an author

Authors can add tags to courses, pages, and tasks to help analyse data and find trends.

Caitlin Foran avatar
Written by Caitlin Foran
Updated over 3 months ago

Authors can set Goals & outcomes for a course and can also Tag various levels of course content. You can add tags to:

  • The course as a whole.

  • Individual pages.

  • Individual tasks or quizzes.

Why add goals and tags

When you allocate goals or tags to a course/page/task you give it extra data. And you can use that data to filter, find or group things.

For example, maybe you want to see if there's a pattern in which pages learners are getting the most visits?

  • Maybe most learners are skipping the pages relating to LO1?

  • Maybe learners aren't spending as long as you'd thought viewing pages that you've tagged as having a higher reading level?

  • Maybe learners are repeatedly viewing pages with discussions or assessments?

  • Maybe learners are skipping the tasks that scaffold to the first assessment and then doing poorly in the assessment?

  • Maybe you want to see how far along learners are in completing tasks that contribute to an assessment or standard?

In the rest of this article, we'll show you how you can add these goals and tags and how that data can be gathered.

How to set Goals & outcomes for the course

You can add goals under Goals & outcomes from the main course menu.

The Goals and Outcomes tab and fields as seen on a course's main settings page.

After adding Goals & outcomes for the course, you can add them to pages (under Page settings when editing a page).

Screenshot of Page settings with Goals & outcomes with tick boxes for each goal and LO1 (Learners can define an orbit of a planet) selected for this page.

Goals are not displayed to learners and are only seen by authors collaborating on the course. Goals can be useful for other authors to have as a reference point for collaborative courses.

How to add tags to the course as a whole

Authors can add tags to the course under Classification from the main course menu.

The Classification tab and tags as seen on a course's main settings page.

How to add tags to pages

You can add goals (previously set in the main course editing area) and tags to a page within a course under Page settings. The tags you add to a page can be different to the tags you set for the course as a whole.


The page settings icon, found at the top each page

Goals & Outcomes as seen on page settings.

How to add tags to tasks and quizzes

You can also add tags to tasks and quizzes under Additional options.

Tags added to tasks and quizzes under Additional options.

How to get data for goals and tags

When a learner does certain things in iQualify - views a page, submits a task etc. - we capture that "event". For instance in terms of viewing a page, we capture who viewed that page and at what time and what the page goals and tags were.

And account owners can setup events such that whenever event x happens, event data is sent to y (connected app, Zapier, spreadsheet etc.).

This means, if you're capturing data about the viewed a page event, you can use those goals/tags to filter, find, or group. For instance, you could group pages with the tag "Discussions" and pages with the tag "Video" to see which are getting more views.

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