Other parts of course creation that aren't course content
How to add a cover image to your courseAuthors can add a cover image to courses which show on a learners dashboard.
How to add a trailer video to your courseAuthors can add an introductory video to their course to give learners a quick overview of the content.
How to add terms to your course's glossaryAuthors can add terms which will be shown via a tooltip to learners.
How to add a pdf study guide to your course overviewAuthors can add a pdf study guide when building a course, and Manage users can add a study guide when creating a class activation.
How to set or update the reading time for a pageAuthors can add in an estimated duration time to guide learners on how long they are expected to spend on each page.
How to set up a Study plan for a courseAuthors can create a Study plan to set when sections and tasks open and add weightings and due dates for assessed tasks or quizzes.
How to view author InsightsInsights helps authors to review and improve course content.
How to add goals and custom tags to a course as an authorAuthors can add tags to courses, pages, and tasks to help analyse data and find trends.