Say hello with a video in a talk channel

Facilitators (and learners) can share or record a welcome video and post this in a talk channel to say hello to others in their class.

Caitlin Foran avatar
Written by Caitlin Foran
Updated over a week ago


You can give a video hello in a talk channel with others in your class instead of writing a text hello/welcome.

You have two main options for adding your video:

Let's take a more thorough look at the two options.

Upload to video sharing site and share a link

When to use this method

We recommend sharing a link to the video if:

  • your learners are likely to be using a phone or tablet, or

  • the video needs to be shown in a specific resolution.

How to

  1. Record your video using your chosen software/app and upload to your chosen video sharing site.

    Here are some instructions for YouTube and for Vimeo (you might choose Vimeo if it's important for you to be able to control where the video will be shown i.e. only in your organisation's iQualify environment).

  2. Create a new post in a talk channel (with a title/subject).

  3. Add some text to your post to tell people what the video is, include the link to the video (highlight text and use the chain link icon) and select Post to share your video to the talk channel.

Screenshot showing how to with embed a link to your post in a talk channel.

Record and upload via iQualify

When to use this method

We recommend using record and upload via iQualify if:

  • your learners are likely to be using a computer for their study (rather than a phone or tablet), or

  • you want learners to be able to download the video to their device, and watch offline.

Video compression

Videos recorded and uploaded via iQualify will have their resolution compressed to 480p (if they are originally over 480p). Having the resolution compressed gives a smaller file, which 1) allows the upload to move quickly and 2) consume less bandwidth when learners are downloading the file.

The compression also switches the format (eg .mov) to .mp4 making it more accessible to learners on a variety of devices and internet types. For these reasons, if you would still like the video to be viewed in full High Definition (HD) we recommend that you use the embed feature instead.

How to

  1. Create a new post in a talk channel (with a title/subject) and choose Add File.

  2. A pop up will give you the option to Record a video (you can also choose to upload an already recorded video as a file).

    Screenshot of choosing "Record video" on "Add File" pop up.

    Note: You'll need to Allow access to your camera and microphone to record.

  3. Select the circle to start recording and the square to stop, then select Upload.

  4. Add some text to your post to tell people what the video is and select Post to share your video to the talk channel.

Screenshot showing how the uploaded video on your post in a talk channel looks like and how to post it..

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