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How to embed your own interactive resources into course content

Authors can use the embed webpage option for hosted interactives to use externally developed HTML5 resources in course pages.

Christine Nicholls avatar
Written by Christine Nicholls
Updated over 7 months ago

Authors can package interactive resources, upload to their hosting solution, then use Embed > Webpage to add them to course content.

How to prepare your interactive for embedding

  1. Export your resource as HTML5.
    In the tool you used to create your interactive, choose to export to HTML 5. This will create a folder and .html file with all the content you need for your interactive.

  2. Zip the folder (along with the .html file) into a single file.
    The .html file is often named index.html and it is often outside of the folder at the same level.

  3. Upload the zipped file to your hosting solution.
    This allows you to grab a URL for your index.html file.

  4. Add the URL for your interactive when embedding a webpage.
    Using the URL from step 3., follow these steps to embed your link as a webpage in your course content.

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