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Habitat Type: Pond (non-priority)
Habitat Type: Pond (non-priority)

A LAKES habitat type

Written by Oliver Lewis
Updated over 2 months ago

© Kieronoldham (CC BY-SA 4.0). Kindly recommended by UKCEH.

The following is a short summary of the habitat type and how to create/enhance it to a "good" condition. For an informed position, please refer to official up-to-date UKHAB documentation or the UK Government's Condition Assessment Sheet.


This habitat should ONLY be selected if the various tests set out below are met. Otherwise, you should consider whether Ornamental lake or pond is a better description.

Description: Non-ornamental, permanent and seasonal standing water bodies that are smaller than 2 ha in extent and that meet none of the following criteria:

  • It has habitats of international importance: Ponds that meet criteria under Annex 1 of the Habitats Directive.

  • It supports species of high conservation importance as defined in UKHab documentation.

  • It has exceptional assemblages of key biotic groups as defined in UKHab documentation.

  • It is classified as being in the top PSYM category (‘high’) for ecological quality

  • It has been otherwise recognised as important because of its age, rarity of type or landscape context

If you wish to select this habitat on a habitat selection screen, it can be found under Lakes (see guide).

Assessment Questions

  • Is ONE of the following true

  1. There are habitats of international importance in the pond

  2. There are species of high conservation importance in the pond

  3. There are exceptional assemblages of key biotic groups

  4. It is classified as being in the top PSYM category (‘high’) for ecological quality

  5. It has been otherwise recognised as important because of its age, rarity of type or landscape context

If the answer is NO, then it is likely Ponds (non-priority habitat). Please note that if one or more of the above is true, then it is likely a rare habitat and specialist support should be immediately secured to confirm.

How to Create / Enhance to a "Good" condition

How to create

You may wish to refer to the following: Pond Creation Toolkit

How to get a "moderate" rating

In a management plan aiming to achieve ‘moderate’ condition the plan will show the following:

  • The design is to encourage wildlife rather than a sustainable drainage system (SuDS).

  • There shall be no artificial pipework draining water into pond and it will not be artificially connected to other waterbodies via ditches or pipes.

  • Water levels will be allowed to change naturally throughout the year without any artificial dams, pumps or pipework.

  • No fish shall be artificially stocked into the pond.

  • The pond shall be free from invasive non-native animal or plant species listed on Schedule 9 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) or any species included on the Water Framework Directive (WFD) UKTAG GB High Impact Species List.

  • The pond will be kept free from excessive duckweed Lemna spp. and blanket weed (filamentous algae).

  • Semi-natural habitat shall be maintained around the pond.

If it is NOT a woodland pond

  • Less than 50% of the water surface is shaded by adjacent trees and shrubs.

How to get a "good" rating

In addition to the characteristics for moderate condition, to get a ‘good’ condition the plan will show the following:

  • Semi-natural habitat surrounding the pond will be extended out at least 10 metres from the pond edge so far as possible.

  • There shall be clean and clear water with no obvious signs of pollution or cloudiness.

  • A variety of plants will be allowed to grow at the edges, within the pond and floating on it (excluding duckweed).

Useful Resources

If you are interested in enhancing or creating this habitat, you should consider the following (all recommended by CIEEM or HM Government):

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