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Topic Guides
Articles that give the wider context for a particular aspect of your BGP
Why is marking losses necessary?
A brief guide to enhancement
A brief guide to creation
A brief guide to off-site units
A brief guide to statutory credits
What is the mitigation hierarchy?
Habitat Management and Monitoring Plan
Navigating the habitat selection tool
BNG Guide: Habitat Plans
BNG Guide: Habitat Management and Monitoring Plans (HMMPs)
BNG Guide: What is the mitigation hierarchy?
BNG Guide: Off-site Units and the Gain Site Register
BNG Guide: How to submit a Biodiversity Gain Plan
BNG Guide: Mitigation Hierarchy
BNG Guide: Guide to undertaking BNG
BNG Guide: Trees
BNG Guide: What to do if your baseline is zero
BNG Guide: Selecting the 10% uplift
Tool Guide: How to draw in intended works
BNG Guide: Conservation Covenants and Section 106 agreements
BNG Guide: Stacking
BNG Guide: Distinctiveness
BNG Guide: Condition
BNG Guide: Strategic Significance
BNG Guide: Risk Multipliers
BNG Guide: Priority, Protected or otherwise designated sites.
BNG Guide: Off-site BUs and the Natural England Register
BNG Guide: Best Practice
BNG Guide: Section 73 Applications
BNG Guide:Phased Development
BNG Guide: What is BNG?
BNG Guide: 5-minute guide to undertaking a site survey and identifying baseline parcels
BNG Guide: Red Line Diagram not fully filled in
BNG Article: Good Practice BNG and useful resources
BNG Guide: How to pick enhancements
BNG Guide: Appeals on a Biodiversity Gain Plan (BGP)
BNG Guide: How to become a "competent person"
Why do I have an amber alert in my metric sheet?
What documents do I need to provide to get planning permission
What happens if I don't look after the habitat for 30 years?
Recording allocation of an Off-Site Unit purchase
Phased Development
What is a "significant" enhancement?
FAQs: what are off-site units and availability certificates?
BNG Guide: What is a Red Line?
Maintaining on-site habitats for 30 years
A brief guide to going "above and beyond"
New research: 100 successful case studies of how people use Joe's Blooms