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Bulk creating contracts

Create multiple contracts in one go from template using a CSV file

Sharen Gill avatar
Written by Sharen Gill
Updated over 6 months ago

Contents πŸš€

Introduction πŸ‘‹

If you need to create multiple contracts at once, our Bulk creation feature's got you covered. Using our sample CSV file that is linked to the smart fields on your template, you can bulk-create contracts in just five simple steps.

Step 1️⃣ Create a Juro template

To start, you must build your Juro template and add the necessary smartfields and signatories.

To do this:

1. Add and name the smartfields you need to the template.

2. In the SIGNATORIES tab, add the signature links for future signatories

If any of these are predefined as in the example below, add the relevant email addresses. If these are not predefined, click + Add new signatory and press Enter: this will generate a Signature link that you can use later on.

3. Publish your template.

Step 2️⃣ Download Juro's sample CSV

To do this:

​1. In your Juro Settings, go to Bulk Actions and click + Create new.

2. On the New bulk actions page, click + Choose a template under Bulk create

3. Select the template you created earlier.

4. Click the sample link: this will export a CSV template containing all of your template's smartfields as columns.

Step 3️⃣ Fill in and upload your CSV πŸ“„

In Juro’s sample CSV template:

  • each column corresponds to the smartfields defined in the template.

  • each row you add represents a document that will be created and,

  • each cell is the data that will be inputted into the smartfields.

Additionally, the bulk creation CSV sample has the following mandatory columns. These must be populated correctly for the import to work:

Document name

this is the name you’d like the document to have in Juro. It can be a duplicate of the file name if needed.

Document owner

this should be the email address of the person who will own this document in Juro. If left blank, you will be assigned the document owner.

Signing side #2

this names the first counterparty in Juro.

Populate the relevant cells, leaving any ones you don't need empty.

Save your file and then:

1. Back in Juro, click Upload CSV and select the CSV template from your desktop.

2. Review the import for any errors (some troubleshooting tips are outlined here).

If something has gone wrong, you can amend the CSV and use the re-import CSV button to upload the corrected data.

3. Complete the creation by clicking Create X documents. You'll be directed back to the bulk actions page where you can view the new documents. Clicking the Show documents link lets you see the list of all imported documents in a specially prepared dashboard.

If something has gone wrong, you can amend the CSV and use the re-import CSV button to upload the corrected data.

Fixing errors πŸ”¨

If the bulk creation fails due to errors in the CSV file, Juro will display a list of the issues.

To see this list, hover your mouse cursor over the grey question mark icon on the right-hand side of Error with CSV file.

If the issue stems from a cell or cells in the file, you will see these highlighted by a question mark on the CSV import page:

CSV files are sensitive to the inputted data. Where these don't match the parameters of the Juro field it is connecting with, the platform will generate errors. Here are a few questions to ask if you see an error during the bulk creation process.

Q1: Are all of your cell inputs in the correct format?

A common error we see here is with date and number fields. If the input on your CSV doesn't match the format applied in the Date & Number Region field of your Workspace settings, this will trigger an error. Also, if you're inputting information into a column linked to a Choice smartfield, this must match exactly the options in the field in Juro.

Q2: Do the relevant internal members have access to the workspace you're creating your documents?

Internal signatories must be in a group that has access to the template you're using. Additionally, your preferred document owner must have access to your workspace. If they don't, ownership will be assigned to the user uploading the documents.

Managing special characters πŸ”£

If your CSV upload contains special characters (e.g. !, @, #), you must save it as a UTF-8 file. To do this:

  1. Click Save as.

  2. From the file format dropdown, select CSV UTF-8 (Comma-delimited)(.csv).

  3. Select Save.

And that's everything! This process is the same across teams, so whenever you need to bulk-create documents in Juro, repeat the above steps in the relevant team.

You can learn more about troubleshooting issues with your CSV import in our dedicated article.

πŸ’β€β™‚οΈ As always, our Support Team is happy to help you with anything further if needed. Start a chat with us right here by clicking the Intercom button in the bottom-right-hand corner of this page.

Alternatively, you can email your query to πŸš€

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