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Why does my order say pending?
Lovelyn avatar
Written by Lovelyn
Updated over a month ago

After you have confirmed an order, it will appear as 'Pending' while it is awaiting processing.

When will it be processed?

  • Once you've placed the order, it will be pending until processing begins at approximately 12 pm on the order processing date shown when placing an order.

  • Until then you can cancel this order from the Activity tab. Orders will be settled 2 business days after it has begun processing (T+2).

Exceptions to this rule will apply if there is a public holiday or for any major unforeseen events outside of our control.

Here's an example

  • On Friday morning, Luke confirms an investment into one of his chosen funds.

  • This order is processed by Kernel at approximately 12pm and will remain processing until Tuesday.

  • Luke can view his additional investment in his portfolio on Tuesday afternoon.

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