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What are the fees for the Kernel KiwiSaver Plan?
What are the fees for the Kernel KiwiSaver Plan?
Lovelyn avatar
Written by Lovelyn
Updated over 2 months ago

There is one fee that is charged when you are a member of the Kernel KiwiSaver Plan; an annual fund management fee.

The annual fund management fee charged depends on the fund which you choose to invest your KiwiSaver balance in. You can choose between one of our three diversified funds - the Kernel High Growth, Cash Plus or Balanced Funds - or to customise your KiwiSaver balance using a mix of all the Kernel funds.

Choosing between our three diversified funds

The annual fund management fee for the High Growth, Cash Plus or Balanced Fund is 0.25%.

Creating a custom Kernel KiwiSaver Plan

The annual fund management fee charged when customing the Kernel KiwiSaver Plan is based on the individual funds you choose to make up your KiwiSaver balance.

For example, if you choose to allocate 70% of your KiwiSaver balance to a fund with a management fee of 0.25%, any money automatically invested into the fund will be charged at that fee.

If, for the remaining 30% of the balance, you choose to invest in a fund with an annual fund management fee of 0.45%, any money will automatically be invested into the fund charged at that fee.

Here is a breakdown of annual fund management fees relative to the specific funds:

Core index funds

Annual fund management fee

High Growth


NZ 20


NZ Commercial Property


NZ Small & Mid Cap Opportunities


Global 100


Global 100 (NZD Hedged)


Global Infrastructure


Global Infrastructure (NZD Hedged)


S&P Global Dividend Aristocrats


S&P 500 Unhedged


S&P 500 (NZD Hedged)


NZ 50 ESG Tilted


Global Property (NZD Hedged)


Global ESG


Global ESG (NZD Hedged)


Specialty index funds

Fund management fee

S&P Kensho Moonshots Innovation


S&P Kensho Electric Vehicle Innovation


S&P Global Clean Energy


Emerging Markets


Active funds

Fund management fee

Balanced Fund


Cash Plus Fund


Our US Bond Fund and three NZ bond funds are not currently available as part of the Kernel KiwiSaver Plan.

No transaction or foreign exchange fees

We do not charge any transaction, brokerage or foreign exchange or penalty fees.

​Costs with changing funds or customising the Kernel KiwiSaver Plan

There is no charge or fee when changing between specific funds or changing the way that your KiwiSaver balance is constructed. Read more to find out how to make changes.

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