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Clients & Suppliers Search

Search, by name, contact, address, postcode or telephone

Updated over a week ago

You can search for a Client or Supplier record using the search bar. You can enter in name, address, postcode, etc. 

The search returns any results by displaying the Client or Supplier record in the grid below. Click on "View" to view the Client or Supplier record.

If you wish to search for a Client Sub Location, make sure the check box is ticked next to the search bar.  The search returns any results by displaying the Client record and the the sub location it is associated with. You will see that it says "Sub-Location Associated" underneath the client name when you search.  

The more detail you enter into the search the better result you will get.

You can also navigate straight to the overview of a specific client by using the drop-down available on the dashboard:

Simply select the client question from the drop down list or search using the search bar provided.

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