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How can I work with the Assignment Report in a structured way?

Assignment reports, book assignments, question assignment, the textbook, best-practice tips

Courtney Librizzi avatar
Written by Courtney Librizzi
Updated over 10 months ago

One of the most popular features of Kognity is to send assignments. During 2019 over 124,800 assignments were sent to students in over 100 countries! 

Some teachers send assignments after the class to ensure that the students have understood the teaching. Others set assignments during class time to test their students and to make sure students do not collaborate.

Here are some of our best-practice tips on how to work with the results in the report - suggested by some of our most active teachers! 

  • Before you teach a specific subject, send out a book assignment to ensure all students have completed their assigned book content beforehand. 

  • Combine this with a question assignment to see how well your students have understood and engaged with the book content.

Follow the steps below to generate an Assignment report (available for question assignments):

Step 1: Click on the class of your interest.

Step 2: Click on Assignments

Step 3: Click on "View all assignments".

Step 4: Click on "Past Assignments".

Step 5: Click on the assignment of your interest.

Step 6: Choose the type of file you want to download. It can be a PDF or CSV file.

When you review the results (PDF file) from the assignment it can look like this: 

You will notice that most of your students are struggling with questions 1 and 2. These results give you an indication of what to focus your classroom time on! You can see each individual student's performance further down in the report. 

Let's say that you teach IBDP Chemistry HL and you now know that your students are struggling with the Periodic Table. Navigate your way to the relevant part of the syllabus and find that Kognity offers 3D models, videos, Definition boxes, Important boxes, TOK material, and much more that will support your teaching. 

  1. Start by engaging your students by watching the video together - you might want to use the 'student view' to make it easier for students to follow.

  2. Click on the pictures to enlarge them which will make it easier to discuss them together with the students, in addition to you not having to create your own material.

  3. Let students study the worked examples, discuss the solutions together, and then let them practice individually in the Practice centre. Recognise and support any individual student's needs.

Start your next class by copying and resending your initial assignment to review whether the results have improved - use the new assignment report and compare it to the previous one to easily spot which areas students have performed better in.

If your students have improved on the questions, you can use the Exam Style Questions as a basis for a discussion on a higher level with your students to challenge them further or work through the TOK box to do the same.

In short: 

  • Use the results from your assignment report to tailor your teaching - focus on what your students don't know!

  • Review the textbook content to make use of videos, infoboxes, etc. as your students also have access to this material without you spending time on creating/distributing it.

  • Track your students' progress to plan the next steps in your teaching and use Kognity's advanced material to challenge your students.

If you have other creative ways of working with the assignment results, e-mail us at or contact us using the chat bubble in the lower right corner of your screen!

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