This section allows you to edit and manage your profile details and personal preferences and settings. There are general profile settings that control your contact information, credentials, bio, and signature, as well as settings that control your system automation preferences for holidays and accountability.
General Profile Fields
Name: Your name as you'd like it to appear to your contacts.
Title: Your title as you'd like it to appear to your contacts.
Profile Image: The headshot you'd like displayed on your website.
NOTE: Make sure to click the upload icon after selecting or dropping your preferred image in the edit box. The recommended image dimensions are 512px x 512px.
Agent MLS ID: Adding your Agent MLS ID will automatically map your personal listings to your btPRO account website. If you have multiple MLS IDs from different MLSs, just add them separated with a comma and no spaces.
NOTE: Your Agent MLS ID can sometimes differ from the ID you use to sign in to your MLS. If you need assistance finding your Agent MLS ID please reach out to PRO Support.
Agent NRDSID: Your NRDS ID is required for some SSO and API connections with btPRO. If you use an SSO that requires an NRDS ID insert it into this field.
NOTE: Click Here if you need to find your NRDS ID.
Ext. Vendor ID: If you need an external vendor ID it will be given to you by your brokerage. If you're you're unsure if you need an external vendor ID please reach out to your Broker for assistance.
Contact Info
Cell Phone: Your cell number. This is the number that your Smart Number with forward calls and text messages to. This number will not be visible to your contacts if the 'Show on Site' is not checked.
NOTE: Do NOT add your Smart Number to this field. It will break call and text message routing via btPRO.
Work Phone: Your work number. This number will not be visible to your contacts if the 'Show on Site' is not checked.
NOTE: Do NOT add your Smart Number to this field. It will break call and text message routing via btPRO.
Direct Line: Your direct line. This number will not be visible to your contacts if the 'Show on Site' is not checked.
NOTE: Do NOT add your Smart Number to this field. It will break call and text message routing via btPRO.
Email: The email used to log into btPRO and the email used to send emails via the CRM.
NOTE: If you change this email in your profile it will change the email you need to use to log in.
DISCLAIMER: DO NOT use an email associated with AOL or Yahoo as they often do not work correctly with btPRO tools and could be flagged as spam.
Email From (Vanity Email): This email will show on the emails that are sent from btPRO. Use this field if you'd like a different email address to display than what is associated with your login.
NOTE: Use "Email From" For Notifications Checkbox - If this box is checked, you will receive system communications (like New Lead emails) to the 'Email From' email address.
DISCLAIMER: DO NOT use an email associated with AOL or Yahoo as they often do not work correctly with btPRO tools and could be flagged as spam.
Website: Your actual website that is created when you're added to the btPRO system will auto-populate here. It does not auto-update if you purchase a Vanity Domain or change the subdomain - it will need to be manually updated.
NOTE: Both this website and the system (btPRO) website will be shown on the 'Agents' tab.
Personal Website: This is ONLY if you are using the Foundation template.
NOTE: Foundation is a legacy template and there are no plans for enhancements or updates (i.e. ADA Compliance).
Lender: You can select your preferred Lender from this section.
Lender 'Show on Agent Subdomain' Checkbox: With a preferred Lender chosen in your profile you can trigger the 'Finance' page to show on your site by checking the 'Show on Agent Subdomain' box.
Designations: You can use the Designations section to add any credentials you wish to display on the 'Agent Profile' tab on your website or on your Office/Team/Company Agent Roster.
Social Media & More
Social Media Links: You can add a link to your Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagram here. These will be displayed on your website for your contacts to click and find your social media pages.
License #: Here you can add your license number. This will be displayed on the 'Agent Profile' page of your website.
Position: Add your position which will be visible on the 'Agent Profile' page on your website and Agent Roster. Ex: Licensed Realtor, Broker, or Mortgage Advisor
Spoken Languages: Your spoken languages can be added here for your contacts and those viewing your Office/Team/Company Agent Roster page.
Your position, languages spoken, and designations can be used by potential clients to search on Office and Company websites! By adding as much information about yourself as possible, people can find you by your specializations easily from the sites you're included on, using the 'Agent Roster'.
About Me & Signature
About Me
The section beneath your basic profile info is "About Me." This is the spot for your bio and it shows on the 'Agent Profile' page on your website. You can enter any plain text that you want, or you can use HTML.
This section allows you to set your personalized signature which can be automatically added to all emails you send from btPRO.
NOTE: Text signature, unlike, email signature, will whoever is logged into btPRO
and is texting that lead (e.g. an Admin). Email signature will always show the Assigned Agent.
How to Set Your Email Signature
Email signatures are the best way to represent yourself in each and every email you send out, in btPRO or otherwise. Think of it almost as a business card that sends with every communication to your contacts. If you do not already have a signature they are pretty quick to create and only need to follow a few guidelines:
It should identify you and your business/brokerage.
TIP: Adding a logo, either yours or your brokerage's (or both), is also a great aspect to include. Pictures are more memorable and quickly recognized versus just plain text names.
It should include direct ways to contact you.
It should link to your btPRO website.
You can also add links to your social media and legal disclaimers, but remember to keep the signature easy to read; too many icons, colors, or text can overwhelm the receiver or even get caught in a spam filter! Simple and elegant is what you want to aim for.
This is a great example that incorporates all the suggested features while staying succinct and visually easy on the eyes.
Once you have your desired signature created, you can copy/paste it into your btPRO profile or save time by creating the signature in btPRO at the beginning.
Adding an HTML Signature
If you're familiar with HTML, you also have the ability to build your signature using HTML.
Simply click the caret icon along the top of the signature's toolbox to access the source code for that area.
Include Signature On All Outgoing Email Toggle:
You should toggle this on so all emails sent from btPRO automatically include your signature. This includes Smart Campaign emails, Search Alert notifications, Seller Reports, and every other type of email the system sends.
Entity to show in text/SMS signature
All outgoing text/SMS messages from btPRO include an automated signature. By default, your signature includes the name of your company. If you are part of multiple teams or offices, this setting allows you to show your preferred location.
From your Profile, the Offices and Teams sections will be visible on the righthand side.
To update the Primary Office or Team, click the 'Edit' button, and select the desired Office from the dropdown that populates.
Primary Office/Team FAQs
What will be impacted by a user's Primary Office setting?
Website Roster
Smart Number
Internal Agent Roster
CORE Present
CORE Listing Machine & Design Center
All Outbound Emails and Text Messages (Merge Tags)
Internal Agent Roster
How are Smart Numbers impacted?
There is no change to Smart Number functionality. However, the primary Office will determine the shared Smart Number assigned to the Agent.
What are the implications to Text Codes?
Text Codes will have a new Primary Number based on the Primary Office. If you want to retain an old code, you'll want to create a Text Code with the same code but for the previous Smart Number.
Canadian Agents Only
If you create a unique signature please make sure it follows the exact format that CASL demands to remain in compliance.
Additional Profile Fields
The following fields are for informational purposes only and will NOT show on your btPRO website.
Community Involvement
Advanced Profile Settings
Once you've gotten your general profile settings configured and saved, you can access more advanced settings by clicking on the 'Settings' button in your profile. These options allow you to set Lead Routing and Daily Call rules specific to you.
Here, you can enable Lead Privacy, set yourself to 'away' in Vacation mode, adjust your Daily Call Creation settings, and mark 'off' days for specific Holidays.
Lead Privacy
If your Company or Team has enabled lead privacy you can use this toggle to hide your contacts from Admins.
Lead Routing
Select when you're on vacation and whether or not you'd like to be in lead rotation.
Vacation Mode
Taking some R&R? Set your vacation days to prevent new leads from being routed to you while you're out of the office.
NOTE: Leads that sign-up on your personal Agent website or through your advertising will still be sent to your CRM. Setting your profile on vacation is only applicable for leads that are assigned to you via your Team, Office, or Company.
To enable vacation mode, just toggle this setting on in the advanced profile settings and add a start and end date.
NOTE: If you set no end date, vacation mode will stay on until you turn it off. If you choose no start date, then vacation mode starts when you save your changes at the bottom. This is important because if you are expected to follow up with leads that are given to you by your agency, you could be held accountable for those follow-ups while you're away! You may want to log in quickly each day and snooze your calls and tasks or work out coverage with another Agent to assist you with that while you're out.
Place Out of Rotation
If you've toggled this setting on, you will be removed from lead routing at the team, office, and company level.
Agents who are set Out of Rotation will still receive Agent-owned leads (e.g. those generated from an Agent-created Landing or Squeeze, etc).
Home Search App
Determine whether or not you'd like to accept chats from leads via CORE Home's search app.
Daily Call Creation
Each day, you will receive an email from btPRO summarizing your task items and calls.
In these settings, you can set your preferred lead types and number of calls.
Daily 'calls to make' are also displayed on your dashboard and in your mobile app dialer, and are triggered by events that are set in Smart Campaigns, or from events that your contacts will trigger as they use your website (like if they saved a listing!).
How to Set Up Daily Calls
To set up your daily call parameters, access your agent profile settings from the dropdown menu. Then click 'Settings'.
Using these settings you can alter the number of calls the system wants you to make to contacts in your database. There will always be a reason for the phone call that you will see on your screen before you call them that the system is watching out for 24/7 on your behalf.
The more calls you can handle, the better your conversion rate from leads into clients will be! Although the settings below can be adjusted, it's recommended that new Agents use the default settings.
Disclaimer: These are calls that are designed to be managed by the Agent and these are reminder calls that the btPRO system DOES NOT make the call, YOU DO. The scheduled calls are a reminder for the agent to complete.
Daily Summary Email
Your Daily Call parameters must be set up using the steps above in order to start receiving daily summary emails. Even if you have a new lead or task that would trigger the daily summary email, it will not send out unless Daily Calls have been set up:
If Daily Call Creation is enabled, and Call Tasks are generated for the day, the system will send the Summary Email.
If Daily Call Creation has been enabled, and Call Tasks are NOT generated for the day, nor any new leads created or tasks due, you will NOT see the Summary Email.
If Daily Call Creation has been enabled, and Call Tasks are NOT generated for the day, but you have a task due, OR received a new lead within the past 24 hours, you will get the Summary Email.
If Daily Call Creation is NOT Enabled, you will NOT see the Summary Email in your inbox.
Daily Call Creation FAQs
Which contacts are daily calls created for?
By default, contacts NOT in the following statuses:
'Archive,' 'Closed,' or 'Contract'
Contacts in statuses you've manually selected in settings.
Contacts that are subscribed to emails and text messages.
Contacts that have a phone number.
What conditions must be true for a call to be created?
The contact may not have a 'missed' call previously auto-created as a daily call. Manually scheduled calls do NOT count towards this.
You must be below the limit for the maximum number of calls created already for the day.
What conditions (regarding the contact) must be true to trigger calls?
Contact has triggered a behavior in the last 24hrs, and not been called in the past week
Contact has viewed a property in the last 6 months, and not called in the past 30 days
Contact was created in last 90 days, and not called in past 30 days
Contact has never been called (prioritized by age), and not called in the past 30 days
Contact has a rating of 3 stars or more and has not called in the past 30 days
Contact has responded to a text and has not been called in the past 30 days
Contact must have Auto-Dial set to 'Yes' in their Contact Record.
Contact has not missed a call from the Agent previously when an auto-call was generated.
Select either the USA or Canada based on your locale.
To make it easier to mark yourself 'Away' for holidays instead of using the Vacation toggle, select the Holidays on which you would not like to receive leads from your Company or Team.
Where Does My Profile Information Display?
Your basic profile information integrates with the 'Agent Profile' page on your btPRO website.
To see your Agent page, navigate to your btPRO website. Hover over 'Your Agent' and select 'Agent Profile' from the dropdown.
The Agent Profile page will display various information from your profile in btPRO.
Have questions? Please reach out to Customer Support via the blue chat bubble to the right or by emailing prosupport@insiderealestate.com
(Keywords: about me, my profile, profile settings)