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How to Share a Lead With Another Agent
How to Share a Lead With Another Agent

Learn how to share a contact with another Agent in your office or team via the Smart CRM.

Updated over a year ago


There may be times when you'd like to share a lead record with another Agent in your office or team either for administrative purposes or to work a deal together. btPRO Smart CRM includes a 'share' tool that you can use to do just this with an individual lead or en masse.

Requirements & Limitations

  • You can only share a lead you are the owner of.

  • You can only share a lead with an Agent also in your btPRO account.

What Lead Information is Shared

There are 2 levels of lead-sharing permissions that determine what information and access are shared:

View Only

The 'View Only' option allows the Agent you're sharing with to access the leads' information and timeline but does not allow them to edit or change anything. Additionally, an Agent with 'View Only' share access, can manage who else is shared.

View & Edit

The 'View & Edit' option allows the Agent you're sharing with to access and edit all of the leads' information. Additionally, they will have access to communicate with the lead. When this occurs, all communications to the lead from btPRO will still show from the lead owner only. Lastly, an Agent with 'View & Edit' share access, can manage who else is shared.

Sharing an Individual Lead

To share an individual lead:

  1. Log in to btPRO.

  2. Click on 'Smart CRM'.

  3. Search for the desired lead to be shared.

  4. Click to open their lead profile.

  5. Within the lead profile, click on 'More Actions'.

  6. Click 'Share Contact' from the drop-down menu that appears.

  7. Type in the Agents name you wish to share the lead with.

  8. Click the Agents name from the drop-down menu that appears.

  9. Select which 'Permission' type you would like them to have.

  10. Click the green "Share" button on the bottom left.

Upon sharing a lead, a new note will be added to the timeline - logging the action for your reference.

Additionally, the Agent you've shared your lead with will receive an email from btPRO alerting them of the update.

Sharing Leads in Bulk

Sharing leads can also be done en masse directly from the main Smart CRM page.

  1. Log in to btPRO.

  2. Click on 'Smart CRM'.

  3. Filter your CRM to locate the desired leads to be shared.

  4. Check the box in the top left corner of the table of contacts to select all of the contacts in that list.

    1. Or select the individual checkboxes if you don't want to share all matching leads.

  5. Click on 'More Actions' at the top of the table.

  6. Click on 'Share Contact(s)' from the drop-down menu that appears.

  7. Type the Agents name you wish to share the lead with.

  8. Click the Agents name to select them from the drop-down menu that appears.

  9. Click the green "Share" button on the bottom left.

Upon sharing the leads, a new note will be added to the timeline of each lead profile - logging the action for your reference.

Additionally, the Agent you've shared your leads with will receive an email from btPRO alerting them of the update.

Un-Sharing a Lead

If or when you need to 'un-share' a lead, simply:

  1. Log in to btPRO.

  2. Click on 'Smart CRM'.

  3. Search for the lead and click on their name to open their profile.

  4. In the lead profile, click 'More Actions'.

  5. Click 'Manage Sharing' from the drop-down menu that appears.

  6. Click the "X" button to the right of the Agents name to un-share the lead with.

  7. Click the blue "Yes, unshare!" button on the 'Are you sure?' prompt that appears.

  8. Click the white "Close" button in the bottom right corner.

Upon 'un-sharing' a lead, a new note will be added to their timeline, logging the date and time that you un-shared the lead.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. I shared a lead with another Agent. Will they see email and text notifications?

    1. The shared Agent will only see the communication/notifications in the lead's timeline, and will not receive email or text notifications directly.

    2. If the shared Agent has 'View & Edit' permissions and responds to the lead from the lead timeline, it will show the 'owned Agent's' information.

If you have any questions or need assistance while sharing leads, please reach out to PRO Support via the blue chat bubble to the right or by emailing!

(Keywords: transfer, share, unshare)

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