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btPRO Smart CRM
btPRO Smart CRM

Access help articles to learn about the btPRO CRM tools and functionality.

30 articles
Overview of a Lead ProfileLearn how to navigate a lead profile to review property interests, conversation history, and interact with your contacts via btPRO.
Overview of Lead TypesReview the different lead types and how to use them in btPRO to categorize potential deals.
Overview of Lead StatusesLearn about lead statuses and best practices for using them.
Overview of Lead SourcesLearn about lead sources in btPRO and how to use them effectively to drive your business.
Infographic: Understanding Lead SourcesVisualize how lead sources work by reviewing this infographic.
How to Manually Add New ContactsLearn how to manually add contacts to your Smart CRM.
How to Remove a LeadLearn how to delete or archive leads from your btPRO Smart CRM.
How to Export Your ContactsLearn how to export your lead data from the Smart CRM.
How to Share a Lead With Another AgentLearn how to share a contact with another Agent in your office or team via the Smart CRM.
How to Transfer Lead AssignmentLearn how to transfer a lead to another Agent within your btPRO account.
Smart CRM Lead FiltersLearn how to utilize filters in your Smart CRM.
Overview of HashtagsLearn about what hashtags are and how they can help organize and automate your book of business.
How to Create and Apply HashtagsLearn how to create and add hashtags to your leads.
Smart CRM Bulk ActionsLearn about the More Actions dropdown menu in the Smart CRM & what bulk actions can be taken.
Lead Address Labels for PrintLearn about how to export lead addresses for print labels from the Smart CRM.
How to Create a Lead TaskLearn how to create a task to keep yourself accountable and on track with lead follow up and engagement.
Where to Review and Complete TasksLearn how to review and mark your assigned tasks complete within btPRO.
How to Edit and Delete Tasks
How to Merge Lead ProfilesLearn how to combine duplicate lead records into a single profile in the Smart CRM.
Overview of Lead Data ValidationLearn how lead data can be automatically validated within btPRO.
Overview of Lead OwnershipLearn about lead ownership and how it impacts Smart CRM management.
Overview of Lead DuplicationLearn about Lead Duplication logic and functionality.
Overview of Lead RatingsLearn how btPRO rates new leads.
How to Add a File to a Lead ProfileLearn how to add files to your leads in the Smart CRM.
How to Email a Lead from btPROLearn how to send an email to your leads from btPRO.
Overview of the Basic Email EditorLearn about the various email editing options within the Basic Email Editor.
Overview of the Advanced Email EditorLearn how to use the Advanced Email Editor to design professional emails in btPRO.
How to Mass Email & Text LeadsLearn how to send mass emails and texts to your leads from btPRO.
Overview of Pond AccountsLearn how pond account work within btPRO and related best practices.
[btPRO] Contact Record OverviewLearn how to navigate contact records in your Smart CRM and use it to store your conversations, notes, and more!