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Overview of Hashtags

Learn about what hashtags are and how they can help organize and automate your book of business.

Updated over a week ago


Hashtags are like labels or tags you can add to leads in the Smart CRM. They're designed to be used for organizational and filtering purposes, so you can manage your leads and CRM efficiently and with ease.

Hashtags will display within the lead profile pop-up as well as on the Smart CRM table itself, so you can quickly access them and related leads.

Learn how to create and add hashtags to leads HERE.

How Can Hashtags Be Used

Hashtags can be used to:

How to Manage Your Hashtags

The Hashtag Manager provides access to:

  • View and edit hashtags within your scope (Agent, Office Admin, or Company Admin)

  • Merge hashtags

  • Mass delete hashtags you no longer wish to use.

How to Access the Hashtag Manager

Please Note: The hashtags that populate are the tags specific to you as an Agent. You will not be able to edit or view other Agent's tags (even as an Admin). If a contact is shared with you but you are not the assigned Agent you will not have access to those tags in your hashtag manager.

To access the Hashtag Manager:

  1. Log in to btPRO.

  2. Click on 'Marketing'.

  3. Click on 'Hashtag Management'.

For additional information about merging and deleting hashtags, click HERE.

Hashtag Best Practices

Hashtags are one of the most effective tools to power your CRM.

  • Use hashtags to label your leads based on their profile, such as search preferences, financial status, or 'warmth level'. This way, you can easily identify potential clients that match a future listing or transaction.

    • For example: #HotBuyer or #SingleStory or #CashBuyer

  • Use hashtags to label your leads with the property addresses of an open house they attended.

    • For example: #123MainStOpenHouse

  • Using the Open House app will automatically hashtag all new leads who've signed up with the related property address when synced from the app to your btPRO Smart CRM.

  • Use Smart CRM filters to identify specific groups of leads to engage with.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Is there a limit to how many hashtags you can create or add to a lead?

    1. No, there is no limit on how many total hashtags that can be created or added to your leads.

If you have any questions or need assistance when using hashtags, please reach out to PRO Support via the blue chat bubble to the right or by emailing!

(Keywords: hashtag, #, tag)

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