Lead Ownership Glossary
Entity: This is the element a lead was captured by. This is an Agent, Office, Team, or Company.
Owner: This is the owner of the lead record. It is initially determined by how the lead was created (example: website, import, or manual creation).
Assignee: This is the Agent to whom the contact is assigned.
Unique Lead or Contact: This is defined by an email address and owner combination.
This means multiple leads can have the same email address, but all must have different owners. This allows multiple owners (even agents) to compete for the same client.
NOTE: A single Agent or Admin cannot own more than 1 lead with the same email address.
Lead Ownership functionality allows a lead to be 'owned' by an entity (company, team, or agent) while being assigned to an individual (agent).
Lead Ownership is determined by the entity owner of a website a lead signed up on (company website, team website, or agent website).
The Owner of a lead can view or manage the lead, even if the assignee is different.
For example, a company-owned lead assigned to an agent could be edited by a company admin.
How to Identify the Owner of a Lead
To see ownership information:
Log in to btPRO.
Click on 'Smart CRM'.
Click on 'Columns'.
Toggle on 'Owned By'.
βSee the 'Owned By' column enabled in the lead table to see who owns each lead you may be reviewing.
You may also view ownership information within a lead profile by scrolling to the bottom of the left-side menu of the profile.
Are you an Admin who wants to enable Lead Ownership (Lead Duplication) for your btPRO account? Please reach out to PRO Support via the blue chat bubble to the right or by emailing prosupport@insiderealestate.com!
(Keywords: duplicate, contact ownership, duplication)