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TAMA Backchannel Info Request
TAMA Backchannel Info Request

TAMA provides a convenient and secure method for you to send and receive info requests (MIRs) with brokers during assessment.

Kate Gubbins avatar
Written by Kate Gubbins
Updated over a year ago

During assessment you are able to send backchannel messages to brokers requesting information, clarifications and missing supporting documents. Brokers receive these messages on email, and can log in to a secure portal to review and respond.

You can trigger an Info Request from a number of different places while working on an application in TAMA.

From the application grid, click the 3 dots on the application you need to send a request on, and select info request:

You will be taken to the Info Request screen, where you can click 'New Request':

This will open up the "create info request" screen for you to enter details of your request, select who to send to, and send off to the recipient:

You are able to request just information, which is pretty straight forward. This means the recipient can respond just with information. Note that the recipient also has the option to attach a document, but it is not required in order to click reply.

Or you may want to request, and make sure you get a supporting document. If this is the case, select "request document upload". Note that this will mean the recipient must upload a document in order to be able to have a successful reply to you.

If you nominate that you require a document, you can also 'categorise' the document.

This will automatically add the returned doc to the correct element of your supporting docs, when sent back by the broker.

You can also select the 'instructions' that you want to appear on the Info Request that your recipient receives. You can set any number of instruction templates to chose from:

When you select the appropriate instruction, you can then view these instructions and even edit before sending the Info Request.

Here, I have selected a set of instructions:

Here I have clicked on the visibility icon to review the instructions:

If I want to, I can edit the template (will change just for this actual request) by clicking the pencil:

I can make any changes; and when I am satisfied, I can save:

When I'm ready to send, I can Preview the Request to make sure it is correct:

And when ready, hit Send:

At any time in the Info Requests section of TAMA, you can see how many info requests you have sent and how many have got replies.

Receiving and completing an info request.

When you hit send, the recipient will receive the info request on email, and be able to respond back to you securely with information or attached documents.

The branded email will come through with instructions to login and review the info request:

When the broker/applicant clicks 'here' they are taken to the branded login screen:

If they have socials - they can use these credentials for a convenient (yet secure) login.

If they would like to set up credentials, they can type in their email, and this click "Set or recover password". For more details on setting credentials, click here.

Once logged in, they will be presented with all their outstanding info requests:

They can click on any of them to view the full message and complete the request:

Note that Info Request is mobile enabled, and so can be viewed and processed on any device:

The broker/applicant can upload documents, and/or add comment, and then submit back to you:

When completed, the request will drop off from the broker's to do list.

Getting an Info Request reply

In your TAMA Channel, you will get notification of a new response via the bell icon in the top ribbon, which is always visible in TAMA:

Clicking on the notification will take you to the response, or you can navigate back to the info request screen via the menu and select the application from the dropdown.

From the list of info requests, click on the request that you want to open:

You will be able to review the info/documents that the broker/applicant has sent back to you. To view any documents that have been uploaded, click on the document icon on the left, and it will open on screen:

You can then use any commentary or documents sent back in your application assessment. The final step is to 'process' the response - accept and close down, or resend:

You can use Info Request to communicate as many times as you like to your brokers/applicants - even after settlement. Once the recipient has signed in the first time, they can save the credentials for a quick sign-in on their device.

Remember that the Info Request button appears in many places throughout TAMA, for convenient use while you are working in other functions. eg

From the Applications Screen, click Info Request:

And from many of the screens in supporting docs and decision support (if you are using them):

Who can I send Info Requests to?

You can send Info Requests to anyone who you make a participant of the application.

To find out how to manage participants, click here.

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