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TAMA Supporting Docs - Finalising your supporting docs checklist to support an application
TAMA Supporting Docs - Finalising your supporting docs checklist to support an application

TAMA Supporting Docs allows you to list and gather the exact set of supporting docs needed in your assessment.

Kate Gubbins avatar
Written by Kate Gubbins
Updated over 3 years ago

*If you havent already, please read this quick intro of TAMA Supporting Docs and Decision Support*

As a credit assessor, you are able to use TAMA Supporting Documents to review the broker's supporting documents work on an application, and update as required. This means the work the broker has done is not lost, and you can continue finalising the supporting documents as you review the application. In supporting docs, you can review the dynamic list created by loanapp; and you can edit, redact, make comment, upload/reject, even add new requirements to the checklist.

You also have the great Info Request functionality to send messages directly to the broker at any time to ask for more documents, or for further info; and for the brokers to be able to respond directly back to you.

This article goes through the Supporting Documents workflow in TAMA.

Broker submits Application in Loanapp

Here we have a Broker Loanapp application for John & Mary Poppins:

The broker has also submitted the supporting documents:

This creates an application in your TAMA channel - including the dynamic checklist in Loanapp, and all the broker's attachments, re-created in your TAMA app. You will be able to use the TAMA workflow to check and verify the supporting documents, against the application data in your credit assessment workflows.

Checking the supporting documents checklist is complete

To go to the Supporting Documents checklist for this application in TAMA - you can either navigate to Solutions/Application Processing/Supporting Documents:

Find the application you want to work on in the dropdown (you can type to search in this dropdown):

Or, on the applications screen, click on the 3 dots on your app and select supporting docs:

The Supporting Docs Checklist

You will be presented with the supporting docs checklist, and all the attachments the broker has added and submitted up to you:

The Checklist

The left panel is the supporting docs checklist.

You can click "Show All" if you want to have the complete checklist to scroll through:

OR you can use the Document Set drop down to go directly to particular elements of the checklist:

You can see how many 'categories' there have been created in this checklist at the top - how many have docs attached to them, and how many are 'verified'.

In this app, there are 15 'categories', all with docs attached (complete).

(Remember, the checklist is dynamically created in Loanapp against the application data, so the number of categories will depend on the make-up of the application).

The Supporting docs section in TAMA is used make sure you have a complete checklist made up of everything you need; and documents attached for every requirement.

Making sure the Supporting Documents Checklist has everything you need

Remember that the checklist that has been created in TAMA has been created based on the actual data in the loanapp submission - so it should be pretty accurate. To check it is everything you need, you can view the checklist against the Loanapp data.

If a checklist item that is needed is not on the dynamically-created checklist, you can add an item by clicking the + sign on the "document set":

A pop-up will appear, and you can add the detail of the required supporting document.

This will add your new requirement to the checklist. EG here we have added an Employment Contract is required from John Poppins:

You will note there is nothing attached to this new requirement.

To attach a document, you can upload and drag across to attach, or even send out an info request to the broker to provide the document.

Click here for how to upload and attach

Click here for a better understanding of how to create new requirements for the checklist.

Other functionality

You can manage the supporting docs panels (collapse or expand) with these buttons:

And you can also expand one of the panels entirely by using this button on the panel you want to expand:

And to go back to the normal view, use the Default View button:

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