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Student Login and Account Information

This guide provides directions on how students can sign-in to the District and School Connect platform.

Mandy Alston avatar
Written by Mandy Alston
Updated over a week ago

Please scroll down to view step-by-step instructions.

Access the login page by navigating to

1. Students will enter the username and password provided by the classroom teacher. Usernames and passwords are case sensitive. Eliminate any blank spaces before or after the username or password.

2. Select the blue Sign In button.

3. The left side menu will show the students teachers.

4. Select Assignments under the appropriate teacher to view the activities assigned by the teacher.

5. Select Results to view results from completed activities for a specific teacher.

NOTE: Parents may use the students username and password to login to their child's account to view Results.

6. Students may begin an assigned Activity by selecting the Begin Activity button.

7. Students who started an Activity and selected the Save for Later button are able to continue working on the Activity by selecting the Continue Activity button.

NOTE: Once a student has selected the Finish button, the Activity is submitted for scoring and students no longer have access to the Activity.

8. To view results, select Results from the left menu for the specific teachers activities.

9. Then select View Responses for the Activity you want to review.

10. Students and parents can view all Activity documents by selecting the View Documents button.

11. Multiple choice questions are scored by showing green checks for correct responses and red X's for incorrect responses.

12. Student written response items display points earned out of points possible. In the example below, a student earned 4 out of 7 possible points.

13. Click on the underlined Rubric to view the rubric details. NOTE: If there is any specific feedback, it is displayed under the Rubric.

NOTE: While teachers have the ability to print student responses to send home, more detailed information is available by accessing results online through the students account.


Students are only able to view Activities that are active. Teachers may schedule specific times and dates Activities are active.

Students will only have access to Assesslets during the testing window. However, they may review results at any time.

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