Logging in to District And School ConnectWelcome to District And School Connect by Lennections. This guide will help teachers and administrators get started.
Student Login and Account InformationThis guide provides directions on how students can sign-in to the District and School Connect platform.
Navigating the Top Bar and Home PageLearn your way around the Home page in District and School Connect.
Navigating the Side Menu: Section 1 - The DistrictLearn your way around the menu on the left side of the screen. This guide addresses the first section focusing on District Administrators.
Navigating the Side Menu: Section 1 - The SchoolLearn your way around the menu on the left side of the screen. This guide addresses the first section focusing on School Administrators.
Navigating the Side Menu: Section 1 - The ClassroomLearn your way around the menu on the left side of the screen. This guide addresses the first block in this menu focusing on Teachers.
Navigating the Side Menu: Section 2 - Learning ActivitiesLearn your way around the menu on the left side of the screen. This guide addresses the second section of this menu.
Navigating the Side Menu: Section 3 - Student ActionsLearn your way around the menu on the left side of the screen. This guide addresses the third section of this menu.
Navigating the Side Menu: Section 4 - ResourcesLearn your way around the menu on the left side of the screen. This guide addresses the fourth section of this menu.
Navigating the Side Menu: Section 5 - Assesslet ActivitiesLearn your way around the menu on the left side of the screen. This guide addresses the fifth section of this menu.
Navigating the Side Menu: Section 6 - ConnectionsLearn your way around the menu on the left side of the screen. This guide addresses the sixth section of this menu.
Navigating the Side Menu: Section 7 - My AccountLearn your way around the menu on the left side of the screen. This guide addresses the seventh section of this menu.
Finding ColleaguesConnect with other teachers. Share Activities. Work together on Activities. Work smarter, not harder in District and School Connect.
Impersonating User Accounts for AdministratorsAdministrators can impersonate another user’s account to provide
support. Impersonation allows full access to each user’s account.
Adding District AdministratorsDistrict Administrators can create accounts to add additional District or School Administrators.
Adding School AdministratorsAdd additional School Administrators to your school. School Administrators have access to all activities and data at the school level.
Using the Co-Teacher Feature for AdminsThe Co-Teacher feature is available for our District and School Connect Premium clients, allowing teachers to share classes and students.
Using the Co-Teacher Feature for TeachersThe Co-Teacher feature is available for our District and School Connect Premium clients, allowing teachers to share classes and students.
Using the Support Teacher Feature for AdminsThe Support Teacher feature is available for District and School Connect Premium users, allowing them to view individual student data.
Using the Support Teacher Feature for TeachersThe Support Teacher feature is available for our District and School Connect Premium clients, allowing them to view individual student data.