Impersonating User Accounts for Administrators for AssessletsAdministrators can impersonate another users accounts to provide support. Impersonation allows full access to each users account.
Live Responses Dashboard for AssessletsTeachers can monitor progress, unlock secure browsers, and open individual student response cards through the Live Responses Dashboard.
Before Administering Assesslets for TeachersThis guide provides steps on before teachers administer Assesslets including confirming classes and previewing and assigning Assesslets.
Watch Students' Responses Live: View Real Time ResultsView individual or whole class results as the activity is in progress.
Continuing and Resetting Assesslet Student Responses - For TeachersIf a student accidentally hits the Finish button, there is a 24 hour window to continue or reset an Assesslet.
Secure Responder for AssessletsPrevent students from opening tools or additional browsers while working on a learning activity.
ELA Autoscore SubmissionsEach Autoscore Assesslets Teachers submitting students responses for scoring. This guide will help you submit and track submissions.