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Assesslets Support

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Turning on the Read-Aloud Feature for AssessletsTeachers have the ability to turn on and off the read-aloud feature for specific students.
CSV Roster Instructions for AssessletsUploading rosters for Assesslets using the CSV option.
Scoring Open-Response Actions on a Scenario-Based AssessletOpen-Response actions on a Scenario-Based Assesslet require teachers to assign points earned.
Using the General Responder Tools for All Students for AssessletsAssesslets offer configurable Responder Tools for students. This tool is available to all students.
Using the Activity-Specific Responder Tools for AssessletsAssesslets offer several configurable Responder Tools for students. These tools are specific to each individual Assesslet.
Using the Student-Specific Responder Tools for AssessletsAssesslets offer several configurable Responder Tools for students. These tools are set by teachers and are specific to each student.
Accessing Lesson Plans for Assesslets and Professional LearningHere's how Teachers and Administrators access Lesson Plans that have been assigned to them to prepare for Professional Learning sessions.
Activate your Account and Sign In to LennectionsNew users need to activate their accounts. Existing users can sign in with their current username and password, or reset their password.
Share Assesslet Results with ParentsParents can view all activities including detailed results by logging into their students account on any internet supported device.
Assesslet Results and ReportsLearn the basics of results and reports for Assesslets, and click to visit in-depth guides for each report.
Download or Print Assesslet Results for TeachersHow to print student responses.
Preparing to Administer Assesslets for TeachersEverything teachers need to know when administering Assesslets.
Activity Security: Hide Results & Secure RespondersEnsure academic integrity by hiding students results and using a secure responder during your testing window.
Assesslet Scoring, Status, Results & ReportsAs you are wrapping up your Assesslet administration, we have some important information to share.
Using the Status Feature to Schedule Assesslet Administrations for TeachersTeachers can schedule dates and times for Assesslet administrations to manage student access to their assignments.
Activity Status By Class (Activities can be Active, Inactive, or Scheduled by class)Control the dates and times each class has access to an activity.
Administration and Resource GuidesEach Assesslet comes with its own Administration and Resource Guide which includes a Scoring Guide.
Removing an Assignment from a Class or StudentTeachers have the ability to assign Activities and remove Assignments.
Granting Access to Assesslets for Administrators and TeachersDistrict and School Admins grant access to Assesslets to teachers, then teachers assign Assesslets to classes and students.
Administering Assesslets to Students in a Remote Learning Environment
Assesslets Randomization Security Feature for TeachersThis feature allows teachers to randomize the order of test items for each student, fostering a more secure testing environment.
Assesslets Randomization Security Feature for AdministratorsThis feature allows educators to randomize the order of test items for each student, fostering a more secure testing environment.
Access and Share the ELA On-Demand Professional Learning SeriesEmpower educators with practical instructional support through our ELA On-Demand Professional Learning Series.
Retake Feature for Assesslets - For AdministratorsAdministrators can enable retakes for Math, Science and Social Studies Assesslets.

Assesslet Activity Summary Report for AdministratorsThis report allows administrators to drill down to an individual students response data for an Assesslet.
Assesslet Activity Summary Report For TeachersThis report displays student responses, the correct response, tagged standards and points earned out of points possible.
Assesslet Performance Overview Report for TeachersThis report sorts and groups students by performance levels based on overall scores.
Assesslet Performance Analysis Report for AdministratorsThis report sorts students by performance levels.
Assesslet Performance Analysis Report for TeachersThis report sorts students by performance levels.
Asseslet Standards Analysis Report for TeachersThis report allows teachers to view comparative data at the district, school and teacher level.
Assesslet Standards Analysis Report for AdministratorsThis report allows administrators to view comparative data at the district, school and teacher level.
View Student Assesslet Results for TeachersView students’ progress on an Assesslet and view final results.
Assesslet Administration Analysis Report for Teachers and AdministratorsUnderstanding the status of an Assesslet administration.
Assesslet Actions Analysis Report for AdministratorsThe Actions Analysis Report allows administrators to view comparative data for the actions (items) in an Assesslet.
Assesslet Actions Analysis Report for TeachersThe Actions Analysis Report allows teachers to view comparative data for the actions (items) in an Assesslet.
Assesslet Response Analysis Reports for AdministratorsResponse Analysis Reports allow administrators to view the distribution of student responses along with any evaluator feedback.
Assesslet Response Analysis Reports For TeachersThe Response Analysis Report allows teachers to view the distribution of student responses along with any evaluator feedback.
Assesslets Data Download for AdministratorsA guide for district and school administrators to download your Assesslets data.
ELA Autoscoring: Viewing Personalized FeedbackThe ELA Autoscore Assesslets provide both teachers and students a score along with details and suggestions for each submission.