Managing the all-subjects overview page

Tailor the client section to your needs. Customize what you see about their information in the general overview page.

Nathanaël Aubut avatar
Written by Nathanaël Aubut
Updated over a week ago

To manage the record of a particular subject (patient, resident, etc.), read this article instead.

Amount of visible data

To see more or less information about your patients you can add or remove columns in the table:

  1. Click "Manage Columns".

  2. Check or uncheck the categories in question


Unlike the default categories, the circled badge below represents a category created by your institution.

Organization of visible data

To change the order in which your patient data columns appear

  1. Click "Manage Columns".

  2. Drag the category by the vertical three dots to the desired location

Creation of new data categories

If you have the rights to edit categories (accessible in user roles) you can create a new category of patient data to add to the available columns, by clicking:

  • "Configuration" in the main menu

  • " Categories "

  • "Add"

My subjects (or My patients, etc.)

Each subject to which you have been added as part of the medical team (either as Doctor, Nurse, or Administration) will appear in this filter.

To manage the record of a particular subject (patient, resident, etc.), you can now read this article.

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