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Custom Groups

Assign several people content and holistically track their progress

Michael Hughes avatar
Written by Michael Hughes
Updated over a week ago

In This Article

How to Create Custom Groups

Grouping learners together allows admins (and users with people management permissions) to monitor their individual and aggregate performance in one convenient location. Unlike smart groups, which are automatically created according to criteria you specify, custom groups are created by manually adding people to a named subset of all users.

From the People page, select New Group from the command menu. Alternatively, select the βž• button in the left menu to add a new custom group.

Name the group, then select its members from a list of all company users. When you're finished, click Create Group at the bottom of the page.

πŸ’‘ Tip: Custom groups are best for teams that have low turnover rates.

Group Overview

To manage or make changes to a group, navigate to the People page, then select the group you wish to manage from the left menu. Doing so will load that group's overview page.

Alternatively, you can use the Groups filter to select or combine groups. Note that filtering by two or more groups effectively inserts an AND function between them. In other words, only those members who belong to all of the groups you selected will appear in the search results. If you filter by two groups that have no members in common, you'll get a null result.

πŸ”Ž A closer look: In the filtering example above, seven users belong to the groups #1 West Coast Team and Account Executives, but no members belong to both #1 West Coast Team and Customer Support, hence the no-results page.

Let's take a quick tour of a typical group overview page.

  1. Groups Menu: Lists the smart and custom groups you've created, and includes a search field so can quickly find known items.

  2. Group Name & Member Count: Note, too, the "export group members" link. Clicking this will generate a report of group info in .csv format.

  3. Edit Group Members: Select this to add or remove people from the group.

  4. Group Details: More on this important feature below!

  5. New Person: Loads the new user creation menu.
    πŸ’‘ Tip: Adding a new user from the group overview page won't automatically add that user to a group; you can assign the user to a group when creating their account, however.

  6. Filters: Narrows group members by the date they were created, their role in your Seismic Learning account (learner, admin, etc.), or the person they report to.

  7. Member Information: Provides a snapshot of each user in the group. Let's take a closer look at one such member, Abram Devon.

Abram has a Learner role within his organization. He's a member of four groups, as revealed by clicking the group icon under his name. Moreover...

  1. His account was created on August 5

  2. He's earned an average score of 91% across all lessons he's completed

  3. He last accessed Learning on August 21, 2022, and

  4. He last completed a lesson about a month ago

Keep up the good work, Abram!

Group Details

If the group overview page gives you the 30,000-foot view of groups in your organization, the group details page gives you the nitty-gritty on a particular group's progress and performance.

On the group details page you can...

  1. View the group's gradebook to see assignments and progresses in a tabular format.

  2. Export information about group members. Selecting this link instructs Learning to prepare a CSV report containing standard information about group members (e.g., names, email addresses, and job titles) and the average score of their completed lessons. A link to download the report will be sent by email; this link expires 12 hours after being generated.

  3. Archive a group or change the composition of its members.

  4. View the assignments and progresses of group members, including assignments that are overdue, incomplete, completed, or awaiting a grade.

  5. Assign group managers. After you've created a group, you can assign a manager to monitor the performance of its members. Group managers can also assign new lessons and paths. Multiple managers can be assigned to a group. For information on assigning group managers, please see this article.

  6. Select additional group evaluators. Evaluators can complete skill assessments for any user in a group to which they are assigned. All group managers are group evaluators by default.

  7. Quick edit members. Type a user's name in the search field to add them to your custom group. Remove members by clicking the X next to their names.

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