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Assign Group Managers

Appoint a user to assign and grade content and monitor a group's learning activities

Michael Hughes avatar
Written by Michael Hughes
Updated over a week ago

In This Article

What Do Group Managers Do?

Both custom groups and smart groups need managers. Managers monitor learner progress and other learning activities, and are chiefly responsible for assigning and grading content (additional graders can be specified, however; learn more about this feature here).

By default, group managers are also group evaluators. Evaluators are users that can complete skill assessments for all members of a given group.

How to Assign a Manager to a Group

From the People page, select the group from the left menu, then select the Group Details button.

This opens the group overview page. Here, an admin can input the manager's name under the Group Managers module. If a user can be so designated, Learning's typeahead functionality will attempt to automatically complete the user's name, as pictured below.

πŸ” A Closer Look: In the example above, both Pete Dunn and Ryan Wheeler can be designated as group managers because both Pete and Ryan have manager roles. In contrast, Betty Grant cannot be made a group manager because she has a learner role. See this article to learn more about Learning's roles and permissions.

Once a user has been added as a Group Manager, they can view all users in the group and their assignment data.

In order to assign content, managers must own the content they wish to assign, and they can only assign it to users they manage. Once an assignment has been made, managers can reassign or unassign it. They can also set due dates and send reminders to users they manage, whether they own the content or not.

Important Considerations

  • If none of your users have been assigned to a manager role, you won't be able to designate a group manager.

  • By default, managers can be granted people management rights on a group-by-group basis. This is precisely what you're doing when you designate a group manager. If you edit the permissions of the manager role so that managers have automatic management rights for all people and groups, however, you won't be able to add their names to the Group Managers module. Why? Because they already have permission to manage all groups in the system.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can I set group managers in bulk?

A. No, managers must be appointed on a group-by-group basis.

Q. Do managers need to be members of the groups they manage?

A. No, and being a group member or not has no bearing on the manager's ability to fulfill his or her duties. When managers are members of the groups they manage, they can assign themselves content, which may be useful for testing purposes.

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