In This Article
This feature is being beta tested. Currently, the readiness scorecard is only available for standalone Seismic Learning customers.
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To Measure Is to Know
Seismic Learning's readiness scorecard synthesizes KPIs to create a holistic picture of learner progress and performance. With the readiness scorecard, indicators are no longer independent and one-dimensional, but combined, correlated, and color coded, giving sales leaders an at-a-glance snapshot of learner achievement.
How It Works
The readiness scorecard is a dashboard, part of Learning's suite of data insight tools. The scorecard bundles performance metrics into holistic measurements of all training activities, including practice performance, skill assessment, and overall readiness. These summary figures are compared against an average baseline and coded in the standard colors of a traffic light: red, yellow, and green.
Red indicates a lack of readiness, performance that needs improvement
Yellow indicates readiness that meets expectations
Green indicates readiness that exceeds expectations
It's up to each trainer to decide which interventions are required to improve a learner's performance; fortunately, Seismic Learning provides many tools for monitoring progress and helping learners improve their abilities.
π‘ Tip: Context is important, too. Learners who fall below expectations probably require more time in simulations; but learners who "only" meet expectations may be ready to engage in entry-level or supervised transactions.
Locating the Scorecard
Prerequisites: Any user who has management rights over other users can view the readiness scorecard.
To access the scorecard, navigate to the Insights page. Select Readiness Scorecard from the Seismic-managed dashboards in the left column.
The scorecard visualizes learner readiness in a series of bar charts and gauges, each of which is described in greater detail below. The scorecard only displays the data of users that a trainer oversees or manages. Whereas admins can see data for all users and groups in a tenant, managers will only see the data of learners they manage.
Reading the Scorecard
Total Readiness Overview
The scorecard is top-lined by an overall readiness score, which itself is an average of two other averages: one representing learners' academic readiness and one representing tactical readiness.
Academic readiness represents a learner's theoretical understanding of a subject. The score consists of learners' lesson completions and their non-practice question scores. Academic readiness helps trainers answer questions such as:
Are my teammates current on training? Are they working with outdated information?
Do my teammates understand the subject matter on which they've been trained?
Tactical readiness represents learners' applied knowledge, their ability to apply theoretical knowledge to novel contexts or scenarios in order to solve problems and improve practices. The score consists of the average practice question score (correct v. incorrect answers) and the average feedback criteria score (on a scale from 1 to 5). Tactical readiness helps trainers answer this question:
Can my teammates translate theoretical knowledge into practical knowledge by applying their learnings to simulations and practice scenarios?
Key Component Breakdown
The second half of the scorecard allows trainers to analyze the components that constitute academic, tactical, and overall readiness scores. The key component breakdown displays the following performance metrics:
Assignment completion rate
Non-practice question score
Feedback criteria score
Practice question score
Below the bar graph is a table in which these four scores are displayed on a group by group basis. Right-click on a group name to filter by learner or lesson title. Select X to remove a filter and return to the default view.
Company-wide Benchmarks
On the right side of the scorecard are four gauges that display readiness metrics on a company-wide level. These measurements give trainers a benchmark against which to compare individual learners.
Mousing over each gauge will reveal a tooltip that displays information about the widget and the time at which data were last calculated. Users can force recalculation by selecting the refresh symbol.
Benchmark Widgets
Assignment Completion: Displays the percentage of completed assignments.
Non-Practice Question Score: The number of correctly answered non-practice questions divided by the total number of questions answered.
Feedback Criteria Score: The average feedback criteria score divided by five, five being the number of feedback criteria.
Practice Question Score: The number of correctly answered practice questions divided by the total number of questions answered.
Scorecard Filters
Trainers can apply one or several filters in order to customize the data that are displayed on the scorecard. Data can be filtered by group, learner, time frame or lesson title. Trainers can also use filters to see data from archived users.
By default, only data from the last 90 days is displayed; but users can change this interval to any date range they desire.
Select the three-dot icon to save your filter selections or reset filters to their default settings.
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