If you purchased via the Apple App Store, you’ll need to contact Apple to cancel your subscription as they handle all transactions made through their platform.
For subscriptions made through our website, log in to app.leyaai.com/profile/manage-subscription to cancel. If the cancel button isn’t visible, your subscription might already be canceled. Contact customer support if you’re unsure.
Canceling your subscription does not guarantee a refund. You’ll need to contact our support team to request one.
After cancellation, you’ll retain access to the app until the end of the billing period. Simply deleting the app or unsubscribing from emails will not cancel your subscription.
Subscriptions are automatically renewed on the due date. If you do not wish to continue, please ensure you cancel at least 24 hours before the renewal date, even if you haven't used the app for a long period of time.
If you need assistance, feel free to reach out to customer support. Read this FAQ on How to Contact Customer Support?