Moving doesn’t have to disrupt your Livble experience. Here’s everything you need to know about updating your address or rent portal:
1. Changing Your Address Without Switching Portals
Automatic Update:
If your landlord adds you to a new lease within your existing resident portal, Livble will automatically update your account with your new address. If you don’t see your new address reflected, please contact our Support Team for assistance.Pending Lease Update:
If your lease or resident profile hasn’t been updated by your landlord or property manager yet, you’ll need to wait until they make the necessary changes before Livble can update your information.
2. Changing Your Address and Switching Rent Portals
Before moving, check if your new property’s resident portal is supported by Livble. You can verify this by reviewing the list of [supported portals](link here). If it is supported, reach out to our Support Team for help with switching your rent portal.
3. What Stays the Same
Moving won’t affect your eligibility to split rent with Livble, as long as you continue to meet our criteria. We evaluate factors such as cash flow, spending habits, resident portal data (like late fees or missed payments), and identity verification.
Declined Applications:
Changing addresses alone won’t impact a declined application. Our eligibility criteria remain the same regardless of your address.